Black Dollar Scam: Kingpin duped many people across India, owns an SUV. Vadodara News – Times of India

Vadodara: Mastermind of black dollar a scamShahid Navdekar has allegedly duped many people in different parts of the country.
Police probing the Rs 30 lakh fraud committed by Mumbai resident Shahid and three members of his gang said he may have targeted people in different states.
“The method he used shows that he has expertise in this type of racket. Shahid confidently introduced himself as a customs officer and used to convince the victims with his smooth talk. Though he claimed that he has not cheated anyone else, the probe will come to know about his other frauds,” said a crime branch official.
Police said he was avoiding questions and his statements were contradictory. “He has said that he committed fraud because he had to pay his housing loan. But the investigation revealed that he has an expensive SUV in his name. Shahid said that he is not its owner, but the registration papers have his name as the owner. He is trying to dodge the police by giving confusing answers.
The Crime Branch team will soon leave for Mumbai to gather more information about his background. Shahid told the police that he had planned to commit fraud after watching some videos black dollar Scam perpetrated by Nigerian gangs on YouTube. He had come in contact with another prime accused Bharat Gida, a resident of Amreli, during his business visit to the state.
Shahid and Gida, against whom several offenses are registered, then hatch a plan to dupe the traders and they enlist two more persons Mahesh Wala and Imran Bhurani. After this the four started searching for the victims and duping them. Maulik Prajapati, an Ahmedabad-based businessman, got in touch with Gida last year and later convinced him to invest in black dollars. Gida introduced Prajapati to Shahid, who posed as a customs officer, and offered him millions of US dollars at reduced rates. The gang duped Prajapati Rs 30 lakh by promising him US dollars but handed over a bunch of fake notes dipped in black color to him.
