BJP worships democracy, others pray for riots: Nadda – Henry Club

BJP Chief JP Nadda on Saturday said that while one worships democracy in the BJP, others pray for riots and also pledge for the interest of our country to get votes. “We are the priests of the public order, they belong to the riot system” [BJP worships democracy while they pray for riots]Nadda said while addressing a gathering in Meerut.

The BJP president, however, did not take his name while addressing a convention of party’s polling station chiefs. Samajwadi Party Or its president, Akhilesh Yadav, focused a large part of his speech on the former CM.

“During the five-year tenure of the previous government, there were over 700 riots in the state in which 112 people lost their lives. The previous government had acted as a shield to protect the killers of Sachin and Gaurav in Muzzanfarnagar’s Kawal town during the riots. It was because of the steadfast tenacity of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath that the state is now free from riots and things are going smoothly on the development front,” the BJP chief said.

Nadda was in Meerut within four days of the first joint rally of the Samajwadi Party Rashtriya Lok Dal December 07 in Dabutva. “I am proud that the BJP has now reached a point where the party’s booth pramukh conventions see huge crowds… more so than other parties’ rallies.”

Prime Minister’s praise Narendra Modi On repeal of three controversial agriculture laws, the BJP chief said the saffron party was happy to stand with sugarcane growers, while others slammed Muhammad Ali Jinnah for repeatedly driving nails into society on caste and communal lines. to inspire.
