Bihar Unlocked: Shops, schools, shopping malls, cinema halls will open. see full list

Bihar Unlocked: Shops, Schools, Shopping Malls, Cinemas
Image Source: PTI

Bihar Unlocked: Shops, schools, shopping malls, cinema halls will open. see full list

The Bihar government on Wednesday decided to open shops, schools, shopping malls, cinemas and other establishments in view of the improvement in the COVID situation in the state.

what is open

  • Permission to open all shops between August 7 and August 25 with weekend closure
  • Schools allowed for children up to Class VIII from 16 August; class 9 and 10 from 7 august
  • Coaching institutes can operate with 50% attendance (alternate days)
  • Permission to run public transport at full capacity
  • Cinema halls, shopping malls will open with restrictions.

Read more: COVID-19: People who are fully vaccinated have 3 times lower risk of infection, says study

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