Bihar: Preparing to deal with any third wave of Kovid. Patna News – Times of India

PATNA: With the state exposed to the lack of health infrastructure during the second wave of COVID-19, the government is setting up oxygen plants, increasing the number of beds in hospitals and taking various other initiatives to tackle the next wave. If it comes at all.
Sources said a meeting has been organized health Department To plan the funds allocated by the Center on Saturday and how to utilize its share. In various projects to strengthen the health infrastructure, five health and wellness centers are already on the cards with one additional primary health center in each assembly constituency.
Special Secretary, Health Department, Manoj Kumar said that a bid of Rs 75 lakh has been placed on the construction of a health and wellness centre. “It will have two ANMs and a community health officer,” Manoj said.
Apart from building hospitals and health institutions, the health department is also focusing on training of health workers, especially in the management of critical COVID-19 patients and using ventilators. So far 165 doctors and nurses have been trained in AIIMS-Patna. The training for doctors and nurses to handle critical patients in ICU and use ventilators will continue till July 27.
Dr Sanjeev Kumar, the nodal officer for COVID-19, AIIMS-Patna, said that many health workers do not know how to use ventilators. “We are also selecting four to five healthcare workers in each batch as a trainer, who will then demonstrate how to use the ventilator to other healthcare workers in their district,” Sanjeev said.


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