Bihar: Couple ends life due to not getting married in Madhubani. Patna News – Times of India

Patna: Barely four days before the wedding in Ruchaul village of Pandaul police station area, a girl allegedly committed suicide along with her lover. Madhubani District.
The matter came to light after their bodies were found floating in a reservoir named Jham Das Pokhar in the village on Sunday morning.
The bodies were fished out and later they were identified as a boy Akshay Kumar (20) and a girl Hema Kumari (19), who were neighbors of Ruchaul village.
Madhubani SP Satya Prakash He said the girl and the boy were missing since Friday but none of their family members had reported the incident to the police.
“There were no external injury marks on the body. Prima facie it seems that both of them committed suicide due to not being able to marry each other.
The SP said that the family members of the girl and the boys had filed a written petition at the Pandaul police station that they did not suspect any wrongdoing in their death and did not want a post-mortem to be conducted.
Pandaul police station SHO Shankar Kumar Said that Hema’s family members have fixed her marriage with another boy.
“She was all set to get married in the next four days. However, she eloped with Akshay hoping to marry him. He probably failed and committed suicide by jumping into the pond.
He said that the family members from both the sides were continuously searching for them, after which the villagers saw their dead bodies floating in the pond and raised noise.


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