Bihar Board 10th topper financial crisis, villagers help to ensure higher studies

Despite emerging as a Bihar board topper of class 10th, Priyanshu Kumari from Jehanabad was struggling to continue her education due to her finances. The adage “It takes a village to raise a child” holds a lot of truth in the case of Priyanshu, who is raised by his mother and grandmother.

Priyanshu has secured 472 marks in the matriculation examination and topped the board examination. Soon after the results were announced this year, the young talent grabbed headlines. It was only after that that many people in his village came to know about the financial difficulties of his family.

Due to his excellent academic performance, villagers have come forward to take the responsibility of his education.

Santosh Kumar, a retired soldier, was the first person in the village to financially support his family for Priyanshu’s further studies and soon many others from the village joined him. Recently, the villagers have formed a committee to help Priyanshu’s family.

The committee will take care of his education needs. The villagers are trying to assure all possible help to give wings to Priyanshu’s dream flight.

Priyanshu lost his father Kaushlendra Sharma in his childhood. Soon after his death, Priyanshu’s grandfather also passed away and the family lost both the bread earners.

The women of the house do not shy away and take charge of taking care of the family. Priyanshu’s mother Shobha Devi and grandmother Sumitra Devi both did odd jobs to make a living. The income made education possible for the two daughters in the family – Priyanshu and his sister.

Priyanshu told the media that his aim is to become an IAS officer one day and his youthful dream is now not just his dream but the whole village’s. The villagers are now working tirelessly to ensure that the young collector makes his dream come true.

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