Big success of ‘Chandrayaan-2’: Chandrayaan-2 made 9,000 orbits in two years; Also confirmed the presence of water on the moon, ISRO gave the data and information received from Chandrayaan-2 to the scientists

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  • Chandrayaan 2 made 9,000 orbits in two years; The presence of water on the moon was also confirmed, ISRO gave the data and information of Chandrayaan 2 to the scientists

Bengaluru/New Delhi8 minutes agoAuthor: Anirudh Sharma

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'Chandrayaan-2 This satellite is moving at an altitude of about 100 km from the surface of the Moon.  - Dainik Bhaskar

‘Chandrayaan-2 This satellite is moving at an altitude of about 100 km from the surface of the Moon.

The presence of water on the lunar surface was detected by India’s Chandrayaan-1 mission. While Chandrayaan-2 has confirmed this. Chandrayaan-2 satellite has completed two years in the Moon’s orbit. During this, he has not only confirmed the information received from Chandrayaan-1. Chandrayaan-2 has made more than 9,000 orbits in the Moon’s orbit so far.

This information has come to the fore in a workshop organized by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) on this important occasion. This event is for two days. Through this workshop, the data and information received from Chandrayaan-2 are being provided to the scientists. In the workshop, ISRO chief K Sivan said, ‘Chandrayaan-2, this satellite is moving at an altitude of about 100 km from the surface of the Moon. Its eight payloads (main instruments fitted with the satellite) are carrying out remote-sensing probes as well as spot-checks.

Research related to the confirmation of water on the Moon – published in the journal Science
According to research published recently in the journal Science, the analysis of preliminary data from Chandrayaan-2 has confirmed the presence of water widely on the Moon. This data shows clear identification of hydroxide and water between 29°N to 62°N. It is also being shown that hydroxyl or possibly water molecules are more in places on the higher surface of the Moon. Among the authors of this research paper is a team of scientists from the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing. Apart from them, Space Application Center, UR Rao Satellite Center and former Chairman of ISRO AS Kiran Kumar are also involved in this.

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