Biden’s Verbal Gaffe Goes Viral, Detractors Say ‘America Deserves Better’

US president Joe Biden’s gaffe during his speech went viral on Twitter earlier this week (Image: Reuters)

Twitter had a field day as they shared memes and videos of Biden’s gaffe from his Thursday’s speech to the US Congress

The US president Joe Biden was mocked earlier this week for mispronouncing the word kleptocracy during his speech when he sought from the US Congress an additional $33 billion package to help Ukraine fight Russia. In his speech he also made another mistake and said that the US will ‘accommodate’ Russian oligarchs instead of saying ‘hold them accountable’.

The moment was captured by several media houses live on air and Twitter users – mostly Biden detractors – had a field day over his verbal gaffe. Conservative commentators said that the US president is senile and needs to step down in order to ensure that the nation is not in danger. Arkansas lawmaker Tom Cotton said that it was ‘alarming’ to see the US president fumble like that in a tweet.

Biden, however, controlled the situation and said ‘kleptocracy’ with a chuckle after realizing that he made a verbal gaffe. “We’re going to seize their yachts, their luxury homes, and other ill-gotten gains of Putin’s kleptoc- — yeah — kleptocracy and klep- — the guys who are the kleptocracies,” Biden said.

Jim Hanson of advocacy group America Matters and sports commentator Clay Travis also took potshots at the American president for his gaffe. Biden earlier during the state of the union address earlier this year mistakenly said ‘Iranian’ people instead of ‘Ukrainian’ people. “Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks but he will never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people,” Biden said with vice president Kamala Harris murmuring Ukrainian sitting behind him.

However, some Twitter users pointed out that Biden did have a stutter growing up and he can still get the job done while a few also expressed faith in him to steer the US out of the problems it faces.

The trend of making fun of US presidents is not new but during the former US president Donald Trump’s regime many leftwing media houses and stand-up comics made it a routine to do so. The reactions from rightwing commentators when Biden makes verbal gaffes during his speech appears like a ‘revenge’ of some sort for the jokes and memes aimed at Donald Trump during his tenure as the US president.

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