Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation: Unit-IV market closed indefinitely | Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

Bhubaneswar: Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) indefinitely sealed the Unit-IV fish and meat market on Sunday after the market was found to be open and overcrowded during the weekend shutdown. “In view of the large scale violation of COVID-appropriate behavior BMC Enforcement squads in Unit-IV non-veg market (retail and wholesale) during the bandh, the market will remain closed till further orders,” the BMC order said.
BMC Additional Commissioner Laxmikant Sethi asked to include the spread of covidThe shutdown continued through the end of the week, but the sellers of Unit-IV were not complying with the restrictions. It is for the benefit of the city dwellers that the shutdown is in force. He said that if people violate it then they will have to face action.
The Unit-IV non-veg market had to face closure twice during the first wave of the pandemic. Then, the vegetable market was largely decentralised, with all vendors asking to set up their vending kiosks on the side of the road designated by the BMC. In the second wave, after the cluster spread of the virus came to the fore, the BMC again decentralized the vegetable market.
With the decline in the daily COVID cases in the capital showing no signs of improvement, the city authorities have decided to intensify the enforcement activities. With several restrictions being lifted and night curfew extended till 8 pm, the capital city is now witnessing vehicular movement till late night. The capital has been reporting more than 300 cases in less than a month, forcing city officials to take tough measures.
In the first wave, the BMC shifted over 40 small and big markets to roadside and open spaces to ensure social distancing. However, this time the markets shifted quite late. Some decentralized markets have been relocated to their original locations


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