Bhaskar’s investigation on Ayushman card: 54 crore people have to make cards in the country; Only 50% could be made in 3 years

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  • Ayushman card; 54 crore people have to make cards, only half are made in 3 years

New Delhi4 hours ago

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It has been three years since the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-Jai) was started, but till now only 50% of the states involved in the scheme, i.e. 22 crore 10 lakh beneficiaries have been able to make Ayushman cards. Three states West Bengal, Odisha and Delhi have not joined the scheme. Whereas in Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan, instead of family members, one card is being made for one family.

Recently, there was a meeting of PMO regarding the number of Ayushman cards. In this, instructions were given to the states to make cards soon. In the meeting, special discussions were held on the five electoral states including Uttar Pradesh-Punjab. More attention is being paid to these states so that the number of beneficiaries can be mentioned in the election.

Entitlements do not even know about the scheme

The major reason for not making the card is that the beneficiaries are not aware that they are entitled to it. The purview of this scheme covers 10.74 crore families recorded in the Socio-Economic Caste Census in 2011. According to an average of 5 people in a family, the number of beneficiaries of the scheme in the country is 537 million.

An official of the National Health Authority (NHA) said that it is not that it is necessary to have an Ayushman card for treatment in this scheme. When treatment is needed, the card is generated in the hospital at the same time. Those who have a card, they are taking advantage of the scheme by getting treatment many times.

NHA said – there was delay due to Kovid duty
According to the NHA official, a lot of work stopped due to Corona. Health care workers were put on Kovid duty. That’s why there is a delay in getting the card. However, it is not necessary to have a card to take advantage of the scheme. Hence it was not given priority.

In the electoral state, Uttar Pradesh has the least number of cards.

Even though 50% of the beneficiaries in the country have got Ayushman cards, in the largest state Uttar Pradesh, the cards of 5.75 crore people are to be made. However, cards of only 1,76,17,984 people have been made. Cards of more than 1.81 lakh people are to be made in Goa. Here too only 22 thousand cards have been made. Cards of 13.66 lakh people are to be made in Manipur, cards of only 3.89 lakh people have been made.

According to the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) in Punjab, 14.64 lakh households were to have members’ cards, but the state government added 30 lakh more families. However, the cost of their treatment is borne by the state. A total of 2.28 crore people have to make cards here, but only 77.41 lakh have been made. Cards of more than 78 lakh people were to be made in Uttarakhand, but only 41 lakh people have got Ayushman cards.

Free treatment up to 5 lakhs every year under the scheme
Under the PM-Jai scheme, every family can get free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh every year in a government or private hospital by making an Ayushman card. So far, 2,61, 36 people have got treatment in the country. The plan also includes the treatment of corona disease. This card can be made at the nearest Common Service Centre, Government or empaneled hospital.

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