Bhaskar’s ground report from Javed’s locality: Area under the shadow of Police-PAC, doors and windows closed; people not talking to outsiders

PrayagrajA minute ago

On June 10, after Friday prayers, a bulldozer has run at the house of Javed, the main accused in the violence in Prayagraj. For about four and a half hours, 3 bulldozers ran and Javed’s house was grounded. When Dainik Bhaskar’s team reached Javed’s locality, Gausnagar, it came to know that 80% of the families here have locked their homes and gone somewhere else. The families that are here are also in their homes. The police is continuously raiding to nab the stone pelters. Dainik Bhaskar tried to talk to some people of the locality, but they refused to appear in front of the camera.

Lock hanging outside the houses of people in Gausnagar locality.

Lock hanging outside the houses of people in Gausnagar locality.

There are no Hindus in Javed’s locality
There is no Hindu family in Javed Pump’s locality. There are about 500 houses in this locality. All belong to Muslims. AIMIM district president Shah Alam’s house is also in this locality. Shah Alam’s hand is also being told in the riots. He also has a luxurious bungalow in the locality, which has been marked by the PDA (Prayagraj Development Authority), possibly bulldozers can be run at his house soon.

People said in suppressed tongue – Javed is innocent
When Dainik Bhaskar tried to talk to some people, without appearing in front of the camera, he said – Javed Pump is innocent. Javed stands to help the local people. The police is framing him.

Due to the fear of the police, people have gone elsewhere after locking most of the houses.

Due to the fear of the police, people have gone elsewhere after locking most of the houses.

The shopkeeper said – Nupur Sharma has given violence
A shopkeeper running a general store in the locality said on condition of anonymity that Nupur Sharma is the reason for the violence in Prayagraj and other cities. Strict action should be taken against them. What message do you want to convey by driving a bulldozer at home?

Entry of working women also closed
People around Javed Pump’s house do not want to talk to outsiders. Even the women who came to work in the house were refused by the people of the locality. As usual, when the women came to work on Sunday, no one opened the door from inside even after ringing the bell. Then the women returned.

A large number of police forces have been deployed so that no incident of any kind happens again.

A large number of police forces have been deployed so that no incident of any kind happens again.

youths were deported
The people of Gausnagar and the surrounding sent the youth of the house elsewhere. Afraid that the police might not pick them up. The family members who are left are either looking through the windows or perceiving the atmosphere outside from the roof.

Police force deployed 24 hours
Police force and PAC personnel have been deployed in many localities around Kareli including Gausnagar. The police stationed in Javed’s locality is keeping a strict vigil on the people. Who is coming from outside and who is going where is being monitored. Police is not allowing people to gather at one place.

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