Bhaskar Interview of Booker Winner: Gitanjali said – People started getting calls, then it felt like something big has happened

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  • Geetanjali said that when people started getting calls, it seemed that something big had happened.

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Geetanjali Shree’s novel Reet Samadhi (Tomb of Sand) has been awarded the International Booker Prize. It is the first novel in South Asia, India and Hindi to be awarded a Booker. It has been translated into English by Daisy Rockwell.

after receiving the award Daily newspaper While talking to Gitanjali said- ‘I never thought that I can do this. I was told that this is London, you will come prepared by all means. Here it can rain, snow can also fall, sunshine can also bloom and booker can also be found here. When people started getting calls, then it was understood that something big has happened.

Geetanjali said- I had never dreamed of Booker.  This is a great achievement.  I'm amazed, I never thought I could do this.

Geetanjali said- I had never dreamed of Booker. This is a great achievement. I’m amazed, I never thought I could do this.

Geetanjali Shree has so far written three novels and collections of stories. His novels and fiction collections have been translated into English, German, Serbian, French and Korean languages.

Gitanjali living in London has spoken to Bhaskar…

What was going through your mind when your novel made it to the final 6?
A writer should never be in a race. The prize is neither a stage nor a destination. Yes, they give happiness, but there is no such thing as running. I had heard of Booker, but didn’t want to. When my creation was included in the long list and then the short list, people started getting calls. Then I realized that something big had happened.

What are the reasons that till now no Hindi book has reached here?
Hundreds of such books came before me, which were unique. There are great novels not only in Hindi, but also in other Indian languages. Just the English world is not aware of them. I am fortunate to have found translators like Rockwell, who brought my work to the world.

How did you choose this topic?
I do not run after any one subject. Many topics keep popping up within me at once. I just get them down on paper one by one. Just like this ‘Sand Samadhi’ was written. It has many subjects. The trigger point for writing it was – ‘Amma’s back.’ An old woman looking at the wall. He felt that everything was over now. This image was in my mind all the time.

Many questions arose in the mind that is this woman really bored with life? Or does she want to see something new in life beyond that wall? I wrote the novel to say, but I believe that these questions brought the soul to that character… Then he started answering my questions and became a novel. This is my way of capturing the content.

Geetanjali Shree's novel Reet Samadhi narrates the tribulations of an elderly woman, which she faces while traveling from India to Pakistan.

Geetanjali Shree’s novel Reet Samadhi narrates the tribulations of an elderly woman, which she faces while traveling from India to Pakistan.

Why did you choose to write Sand Samadhi in Hindi?
Studied in school, except in one class, if you spoke in Hindi, you would get punished, but when it comes to writing, you choose the language which is in your blood and not in your mind. It was understood that whatever emotion I feel, it is only in Hindi. It took me 7-8 years to write Sand Samadhi, so I am not going to tell in a few minutes how it all happened.

Why do you write?
You breathe, writing is my breath.

Who is Gitanjali Shree in your opinion?
I still don’t know who I am… I just try not to live under any kind of bigotry. I constantly try to listen to others, understand, question myself. Guess I’m a trying woman.

13 books included in the list of awards
Gitanjali Shree’s novel was among the 13 books in the world that were included in the list of awards. The prize was announced at the London Book Fair on 7 April 2022, but the winner has now been announced.

Know the Booker Prize
The full name of the Booker Prize is Man Booker Award for Fiction. It was founded in 1969 by the Booker McConnell Company of England. In this, an amount of 60 thousand pounds is given to the winner. This title is given every year to a book published in Britain or Ireland or translated into English. The first Booker Prize was awarded to Albanian novelist Ismail Qadre.

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