Bhaskar Interview: Former CM Siddaramaiah said – Our phones were hacked to topple the Karnataka government, ready for forensic investigation

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  • Former CM Siddaramaiah said, our phones were hacked to topple Karnataka government, ready for forensic investigation

Bangalore8 hours agoWriters: Vinay Madhav

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Former Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Former Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah.

There are allegations of spying of journalists, politicians and officials in India through the Israeli software Pegasus. These include the names of former Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah and personal secretary of HD Kumaraswamy. Siddaramaiah said in a conversation with Bhaskar that our phones were hacked to topple the government in Karnataka. Here are the highlights of the conversation with Siddaramaiah…

NS. Did you know about hacking of your phone?
a. No one knew that our phones were hacked in this way. We always suspected that BJP was involved in phone tapping.

NS. Do you see anything suspicious when your government is unstable?
a. We did not see any suspicious activity on the phone. We didn’t have anything to hide and so we weren’t too worried about it.

NS. Have you changed the number or phone in the meantime?
a. Why should I change I’m not afraid of anyone. I still use my personal assistant Venkatesh’s phone.

NS. Did the opposition parties know some of your secrets?
a. There was no secret. Yes, now we know how they can win by-elections.

NS. Will you give the phone for forensic examination?
a. Of course. If the court asks for a probe, I am ready. The truth of BJP’s involvement in espionage should come out and people should be aware of the criminal face of its leaders.

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