Bhaskar EXPLAINER: Preparation of booster dose only for those with serious merge in the country

  • Hindi News
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  • Bhaskar Explainer Preparation of booster dose only for people with severe concussion in the country

12 hours agoAuthor: Imran Hothi

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In dozens of countries of the world including America-UK, booster doses have started against Corona. In Israel, booster doses have been administered to 40% of the adult population. Discussions have started in India about this as well. Should there be a booster dose in India or not? If so, what should be the right time? Which people should? On many such questions, Pawan Kumar of Bhaskar interacted with leading experts of the country. Here are the key parts…

What is a booster dose and why is it applied?
In dozens of countries, booster doses are being taken to boost immunity against corona. The booster dose is given at least 6 months after both doses of the vaccine. Vaccine companies claim that a booster dose is essential when the effect of the vaccine wears off. However, many experts in the country and the world do not believe so.

Is booster dose necessary in India?
Experts are not yet unanimous about this. Some say that a booster dose should be given when there is a risk of infection in the future. Looking at the current situation in the country, it is believed that the infection is now under control. In such a situation, deciding to apply booster dose to everyone will not be beneficial.

How will the booster dose be decided?
To know whether booster doses are needed in India or not, sufficient data has to be made available first. We have to see how many of those who had the infection before are getting infected again? Anyone getting an infection, getting seriously ill or having a common flu-like condition? Because, the vaccine is effective in reducing the severity of the infection. If the average of those who fall seriously ill is very low, then it may not be appropriate to give a booster dose to the whole population.

Even if the infection increases, will not everyone need a booster?
The Expert Committee of the Central Government is brainstorming on this matter. She may soon present a policy document. However, clinical understanding says that not everyone needs a booster dose. Because, sero surveys are telling that most of the population of the country has been infected, almost half of the population has got a single dose of the vaccine and so far they are fine.

Those whose immune system is weak or they already have a serious disease, they are being thought of getting a booster dose. When vaccination started in January, about two crore such people were identified.

Apart from those with serious illnesses, who else can I give a booster dose?
To the elderly Because, among those above 60 years of age, the rate of death due to corona is highest. The vaccine prevents falling seriously ill, so a booster dose can be administered to keep the elderly safe. Barring small countries like Israel, Turkey, the entire population is not getting booster dose in any country of the world right now. Only the elderly and those with serious illnesses are getting booster doses.

How long does the vaccine protect?
The antibodies that are made in the body after corona, they last longer than the antibodies made from the vaccine. Research published so far in the world suggests that antibodies remain for at least a year after being infected.

Those who have been vaccinated for 8-9 months have reduced antibodies?
There is no study on this in India yet. The expert committee is trying to find answers to similar questions. It is currently believed that antibodies start decreasing after 6 months.

  • Pro. Sanjay Roy, Community Medicine, AIIMS Delhi
  • Pro. Jugal Kishore, HOD Community Medicine, Safdarjung Hospital Delhi
  • Dr. Narendra Arora, Chairman, COVID-19 Working Group, Central Govt.

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