Bharat Biotech announces to slow down covaxin production

Published: Publish Date – 12:24 AM, Sat – 2 Apr 22

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new Delhi: Hyderabad-based vaccine maker Bharat Biotech on Friday announced a temporary slowdown in the production of its COVID vaccine Covaxin at its manufacturing facilities.

“Bharat Biotech today announced a temporary slowdown in production of Covaxin at all of its manufacturing facilities, in view of the shortfall in demand and to meet supply obligations to procurement agencies,” it said in a statement. said.

The company will focus on pending facility maintenance, process and facility optimization activities for the coming period.

It said that since all existing facilities were renovated to manufacture Covaxin with continuous production during the past one year to meet the public health emergency of Covid-19, these upgrades were payable. Some highly sophisticated equipment which was required to increase the rigor of the process was unavailable during the Covid-19 pandemic, it said.

Bharat Biotech said, “During the recent WHO EUL inspection, Bharat Biotech agreed with the WHO team on the scope of the planned reform activities and indicated that they would be implemented at the earliest.”

It said it is working on further improvements and upgrades to ensure that Covaxin production continues to meet ever-increasing global regulatory requirements.

“As patient safety is a primary consideration for any new vaccine, no compromise can be made in meeting operational excellence objectives.”

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