Best face packs with rice flour and other ingredients

Last Update: January 27, 2023, 18:55 IST

Flawless and blemish-free skin is something we all wish to achieve.

Flawless and blemish-free skin is something we all wish to achieve.

While gram flour can be used as a natural facial cleanser and to help maintain healthy, beautiful skin, rice flour treats blemishes, freckles, blemishes and pigmentation.

Flawless and blemish-free skin is something we all wish to achieve. However, due to the ever-increasing pollution and dust in the cities, poor diet and use of wrong make-up products, our skin often gets spoiled. While pharmaceutical and over-the-counter chemical products can solve skin problems, they are not without their share of side effects. In such a situation, these are the natural home remedies which can act as a miracle medicine for your skin.

If you are facing skin problems like acne, pimples, pigmentation, dryness and dark spots, then these 5 rice flour face masks can come to your rescue.

Rice flour, gram flour, honey face pack

While gram flour can be used as a natural facial cleanser and to help maintain healthy, beautiful skin, rice flour treats blemishes, freckles, blemishes and pigmentation. To get the best results for deeply hydrating skin, all you need to do is add honey to the mix. Another option is adding rose water.

Rice flour, oats, honey, milk face pack

If you want to have even toned skin then you must try this face pack. To prepare this mixture, you will need milk, oats, honey and rice flour. While honey hydrates and soothes the skin, oats aid in exfoliating dead skin cells and cleaning pollutants from the surface. Lactic acid, which is present in milk, deeply cleanses the pores of the skin and gets rid of the microbes responsible for acne. Apart from these components, rice flour helps in giving you hydrated, nourished and clean skin.

Rice Flour, Apple, Orange Honey Face Pack

This face pack improves skin tightness. While rice flour contributes to tightening and maintaining the elasticity of the skin, thereby eliminating the signs of ageing, both apples and oranges are rich in vitamins and minerals that improve the texture of your skin. Meanwhile, honey makes the skin soft and smooth.

Rice Flour, Aloe Vera, Cucumber

An excellent way to get rid of dry skin is to mix rice flour with grated cucumber and two teaspoons of aloe vera gel. Cucumber helps in controlling excessive oil and gets rid of clogged pores. Aloe vera is the most skin friendly product that moisturises your skin and lightens blemishes and stubborn dark spots.

Rice flour black tea face pack

Another convenient way to get flawless skin is to mix rice flour with black tea. All you have to do is boil some water and add 2-3 bags of black tea to it. After this, before applying the paste on your face, add a little honey and rice flour to it. Black tea is very beneficial in firming your skin and calming inflammation.

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