Benefits of hemp oil for skin – Times of India

Hemp is a variety of Cannabis sativa L., a dioecious plant whose form is found mainly in India, Europe and western Eurasia. It has been used for more than 10,000 years to make fibers in the form of oils and other derivatives in clothing, paper and cosmetic products.

What is the difference between cannabis, marijuana and CBD?

The cannabis plant contains about 80 biologically active chemicals called cannabinoids. Popular ones are THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). Cannabis indica from India has a high THC content and is associated with marijuana production, while Cannabis sativa L. Europe has a high percentage of CBD which has long been associated with the textile industry and is now making its mark in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic sectors. Industry. The good news is that, unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects.

Properties of Hemp in Cosmeceuticals Manufacture. It is mainly used as:

Hemp seed oil, which is extracted from the seeds of Cannabis sativa L., Cannabaceae (contains no THC or CBD). It has a high content of essential fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients that make it a great emollient with very effective moisturizing properties. Due to these properties, it is increasingly being used in many skin care products like serums, creams, massage oils etc.

Cannabis sativa seed water is an aromatic steam distilled water extracted from hemp seeds and used in hair care products.

Benefits of hemp seed oil for skin

Calms and hydrates the skin

It can help hydrate and reduce inflammation as it is rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9. They also help seal in moisture.

anti acne

Hemp seed oil can control oil production from the skin which in turn can help acne-prone skin to stay hydrated and acne-free at the same time.

Contains anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce redness

Hemp is definitely the new kid on the block and is fast becoming the darling of the skincare industry. It is being integrated into many skin care products as both a hydrating and an anti-inflammatory agent. In the age group, it is being used along with retinoids because of the above mentioned properties.