Benefits and side effects of mustard oil for hair

The oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and saturated fats which are incredibly beneficial in deep conditioning of the hair.

With regular use of mustard oil, hair gets nourished, shiny and soft hair.

Dry, lifeless and lifeless hair can be treated by applying mustard oil to your hair. The oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and saturated fats which are incredibly beneficial in deep conditioning of the hair.

With regular use of mustard oil, hair gets nourished, shiny and soft hair. It also addresses the problems of damaged, split hair and flaky scalp. Mustard oil has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties which help in reducing the problem of dandruff.

Despite a host of beneficial properties, using mustard oil in the wrong way can lead to a lot of side effects. There are a few things you should know before using mustard oil for hair care.

do a patch test

It is important for you to do a patch test before using mustard oil. With a patch test, you can learn about potential allergies to avoid the side effects of the oil.

Do not use it on oily scalp

If your scalp is oily then you should not use mustard oil as it will clog the pores of the skin and reduce the hydration of the hair.

not using it overnight

Many people apply mustard oil to the hair and leave it overnight so that the oil molecules stick to the scalp and do not wash off even after shampooing. Therefore it is necessary to apply oil 30 minutes before washing the hair.

never put it cold

Before applying oil to the hair, it is important to make sure that you heat the oil. The heating process separates the viscous fat molecules from the oil making it lighter. This results in easier absorption of oil by the hair follicles and enhances nutrition.

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