Before the UP elections, Modi narrated the story: Prime Minister said – Muslim monsieur used to come to sell the lock of Aligarh in our village, he used to get along very well with my father

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Aligarh on Tuesday. The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of the Defense Corridor node and Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University here. The tour was related to the university and defence, but in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the assembly elections, Modi also told an anecdote. Modi linked the locks of Aligarh and the link of Muslims with his village. He said- A Muslim gentleman used to come to sell locks in our village and he used to get along very well with my father.

The foundation of the election campaign was laid with the foundation of the university
Childhood Story:
During his speech, Modi said, “Today I feel like talking about childhood. People used to rely on Aligarh for the security of their house or shop, because if Aligarh was locked, people used to be rest assured. It is about 55-60 years old. There was a Tale salesman from Aligarh. A Muslim was kind. He used to come to our village every three months. He used to wear a black jacket.

“Muslim sir used to keep his locks with the merchants as salesmen and after three months he used to come again to bring money. He used to do the same thing in the neighboring villages. He had a good friendship with my father. He would bring the money he collected throughout the day. He used to drop it with my father. When he used to leave my village after 4-6 days, he used to leave the train after taking money from his father.

“We were very familiar with Sitapur and Aligarh. Every person from our village used to go to Sitapur for the treatment of eye disease. Secondly because of these monsieurs, Aligarh used to listen again and again. Used to do, in the 21st century my Aligarh will work to protect the borders of India. Under the One District One Product scheme, the UP government has done the work of giving a new identity to the locks and hardware of Aligarh.

Aligarh Connection of Kutch :Modi mentioned the freedom fighter of Gujarat Shyamji Krishna Varma along with Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh. He said, “During the First World War, King Mahendra Pratap had gone to Europe to meet especially Shyamji Krishna Varma ji and Lala Hardayalji. got it.’
“When I was the Chief Minister of Gujarat, it was successful in bringing the ashes of Shyamji Krishna Varma to India after 73 years. There is a memorial for him in Mandvi, Kutch, where his ashes are kept. Today, as the Prime Minister of the country, I have a memorial. Once again I have got this privilege that I am laying the foundation stone of the university being built in the name of a visionary and great freedom fighter like Raja Mahendra Pratapji.

Advantages of double engine government: Modi also talked about the coordination between the central and state governments. He said, under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi, there has been a lot of development in Uttar Pradesh. Every small and big investors of the country and the world are coming here. This happens when the necessary environment for investment is created, necessary facilities are available. The Yogi government of the Center and the state is working together to provide these facilities to the people. Today Uttar Pradesh is becoming a great example of double engine government’s double profit.

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