Beetroot benefits: Uses, health benefits and side effects of this nutritious vegetable

Benefits of Beetroot: Beetroot is a primary source of several active compounds that provide numerous health benefits. Beetroot has been used for generations due to its many nutritional benefits. Some people eat it raw while others add it to soups, salads and other vegetable curries.

Both Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine use beetroot as an ingredient. It is often referred to as a functional food because of its many health benefits. Beetroot is cultivated around the world and is a typical staple food in many cultures.

Learn about the health benefits, uses and side effects of beetroot here:

health benefits of beetroot

1. Heart Health

Endothelium dysfunction (a disease that affects the blood vessels) may be regulated by beetroot, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. Additionally, beetroot may aid in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Before using beetroot for these effects or any heart related disorder make sure you talk to your doctor and get an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

2. Brain Function

The main factor contributing to a decline in cognitive abilities (thinking, remembering, and reasoning) is decreased blood flow to the brain. Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and brain injury can all be caused by decreased blood supply to the brain. Beetroot may help increase cerebral blood flow and protect cognitive abilities.

3. Reduces Inflammation

Redness, swelling and pain at the affected area are all signs of inflammation. Several anti-inflammatory chemicals in beetroot have the ability to inhibit the processes that cause inflammation. This can help reduce this inflammatory response and irritation.

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4. Anti-carcinogenic properties

Due to its many beneficial properties, beetroot can help prevent the development of cancer. The anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of beetroot may be beneficial in the treatment of cancer.

uses of beetroot

– Beetroot can be consumed regularly; It can be eaten raw or cooked in juices, soups and salads.

Beetroot juice is another option to get its benefits.

Consult a qualified dietician/nutritionist before consuming beetroot for regular use.

beetroot side effects

– When people who eat beetroot come to know that their urine is red or pink, they get nervous. However, this is only a result of the chemicals that give beetroot its distinctive color. It’s not blood at all.

Many people have complained of skin allergy after consuming beetroot.

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At once when you use beetroot and have any of these adverse effects or allergies, discontinue use and contact your doctor.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not endorse it.)