Beauty Tips: Benefits of Rose Water and Uses for Skin and Hair

Rose water has been used for centuries to enhance beauty. Most women add it to their skincare routine and soothe irritated skin. It has important antioxidant properties for the skin.

It tightens the skin by reducing the pores and makes the hair soft. Vitamins A, B3, C and E present in it promote hair growth. Rose water is a mild astringent and is used to treat dandruff.

Benefits of using rose water

You can prepare rose water for your hair or buy it from the market. If you are going to buy ready-made rose water from the market, make sure that it does not contain ethanol. Apply it on the hair after shampooing. Leave it on or overnight or wash it off after a few hours. Use it with your favorite shampoo.

You can use a spray bottle to spray the rose mist on your hair. If your hair is dry and it looks dry, then you can use rose water mixed with shampoo. This will keep your hair soft and hydrated.

You can also use it to keep the skin hydrated. Before applying the cream on your face, sprinkle rose water on the face. Apply rose water before applying makeup. In this way the makeup lasts longer. 12- You can mix it in bath water for freshness. Its fragrance will keep you fresh for a long time. It can also be used like any other oil.

If you have got sunburn then apply rose water on the face with the help of cotton cloth. This will give you relief from skin irritation. Skin blemishes will gradually reduce. If you have dandruff, add rose water to your shampoo. If you mix rose water in glycerin and massage it on the scalp, then it will clean the scalp and the dryness of the scalp will be reduced.


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