Beat the Summer Blues with a Summer Cool Tee

While many people rely on water as their sole source of hydration, it is important to note that anyone can try and experiment with infused drinks.  (Image: Shutterstock)

While many people rely on water as their sole source of hydration, it is important to note that anyone can try and experiment with infused drinks. (Image: Shutterstock)

Even though it may sound unusual, summer tea is meant to hydrate you, while benefiting your body in more ways than one.

Summer is back and scorching heat too. With the temperature rising above 40 degrees in most parts of North India, people need to take care of themselves. Dehydration is very common during the summer. Blame it on our lack of commitment or our laziness to keep ourselves hydrated, staying hydrated is extremely important, especially for those who work outside their homes. While many people rely on water as their sole source of hydration, it is important to note that anyone can try and experiment with infused drinks. You can also try summer tea. While it may sound unusual, summer tea benefits your body in more ways than one while hydrating you.

Nutritionist Munmun Ganeriwal shared an easy summer tea recipe on her Instagram. Taapsee Pannu’s Nutritionist Munmun Ganeriwal explains the recipe of this drink as well as the benefits of summer tea. He also mentioned some of the spices that cool down and are good for your body like cumin, cardamom and coriander.

The nutritionist uses all three ingredients along with cloves and sugar for her summer tea. Talking about the benefits of this summer tea, she mentioned that it can help deal with bloating, nausea, acidity and loss of appetite. Most of these symptoms are common in this season.

We should drink summer tea either first thing in the morning or in the evening.

To beat the heat, Munmun Ganeriwal keeps sharing more such recipes on her Instagram and also talks about the benefits of eating these superfoods.

check out:

She has started the series ‘Summer Super Foods’ to raise awareness about foods that can help people.

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