BBC डॉक्यूमेंट्री विवाद पर अमेरिका का जवाब: कहा- भारत से हमारे गहरे रिश्ते; ब्रिटिश PM सुनक भी मोदी का पक्ष ले चुके

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The first episode of the documentary 'India: The Modi Question' was released on 17 January.  - Dainik Bhaskar

The first episode of the documentary ‘India: The Modi Question’ was released on 17 January.

The BBC documentary on India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the 2002 Gujarat riots continues to be in the midst of controversy. The central government has called it propaganda and propaganda. Recently, Britain’s PM Rishi Sunak also expressed his disagreement on the short film while defending Modi. Now America has also made its position clear in this matter.

US State Department spokesman Ned Price while answering the question of a Pakistani journalist in a media briefing said – I am not aware of the documentary you are referring to. However, I am aware of the shared values ​​that make India and America two thriving and vibrant democracies.

US-India relationship deepens: Price
Emphasizing this point, Price further said – there is a close political and economic relationship between the two countries. The people of America and India share an extraordinarily deep relationship. Both countries look forward to strengthening all the elements that bind us together.

Sunak also opposed the documentary

British PM Rishi Sunak, while replying to a Pakistani-origin MP in Parliament, said that he disagrees with the image of PM Modi presented in the documentary.

British PM Rishi Sunak, while replying to a Pakistani-origin MP in Parliament, said that he disagrees with the image of PM Modi presented in the documentary.

The BBC documentary was also discussed in the British Parliament. Pakistani-origin MP Imran Hussain said- Narendra Modi was directly responsible for the Gujarat riots. Even now the riot victims have not got justice. He asked British PM Rishi Sunak – What do you have to say on Modi’s role in the riots?

On this Sunak said – I do not agree at all with the way Prime Minister Modi has been shown in the BBC documentary. He said- The position of the British government is clear. We do not tolerate violence in any part of the world, but I do not agree at all with the image of PM Modi presented in the documentary.

Rahul Gandhi said – Truth cannot be hidden

Talking to the media, Rahul Gandhi said that the government is on defense mode regarding the documentary made on Modi.

Talking to the media, Rahul Gandhi said that the government is on defense mode regarding the documentary made on Modi.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has also given a statement on the BBC documentary controversy. In a press conference on Tuesday, he said – the documentary has been banned in India. The Ministry of External Affairs is on defense mode on the matter. I think this is the politics of intolerance. We are a democratic country. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to hide the truth.

India said – documentary propaganda against PM Modi
The Government of India has termed the BBC documentary as propaganda against Prime Minister Modi and the country. Foreign Ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi said in a media briefing on Thursday – We do not know what is the agenda behind the documentary, but it is not fair. This is propaganda against Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Bagchi said- This documentary is an attempt to run a narrative of a special kind of propaganda against India. It is seen in the documentary that the people and organizations associated with it have a special kind of thinking, because there are no facts in it. It reflects the colonial mindset. We do not know what is the agenda behind this.

Why the controversy over the BBC documentary?
The BBC released the first episode of the documentary ‘India: The Modi Question’ on YouTube on 17 January. The second episode was to release on January 24. Even before this, the central government removed the first episode from YouTube.

It was written in the description of the first episode that this documentary looks at the tension between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Muslim minority. Investigates claims of Narendra Modi’s role in the 2002 riots in Gujarat.

PM Modi gets clean chit from Supreme Court
The SIT was constituted by the Supreme Court regarding the 2002 riots in Gujarat. The committee did not find the hand of Narendra Modi in the riots. The SIT had said that no evidence was found against Modi. In June 2022, the Supreme Court accepted the clean chit given to Modi by the SIT as correct.

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This screenshot was taken from a BBC documentary.  In the first episode, some interviews of Narendra Modi during his tenure as the Chief Minister of Gujarat were shown.

This screenshot was taken from a BBC documentary. In the first episode, some interviews of Narendra Modi during his tenure as the Chief Minister of Gujarat were shown.

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