Bathinda Military Station Firing: Preliminary Reports Suggest Internal Issue

New DelhiSources in the Indian Army said that according to initial reports, the Wednesday morning firing at Bathinda military station that killed four soldiers appears to be an internal matter as a rifle with ammunition was missing for the last two days. . Inside the military station where there is dense plantation in some areas, he said. The Indian Army said that four army personnel from an artillery unit succumbed to gunshot wounds sustained during the incident.

An INSAS rifle with 28 rounds has reportedly gone missing in the last two days, the Army said. According to the army statement, no injury to any other personnel or damage to property was reported in the incident. Meanwhile, the area has been cordoned off and the Army is conducting a joint investigation with the Punjab Police to establish the facts of the matter.

“The area continues to be sealed and joint investigation is being coordinated with the Punjab Police to establish the facts of the case. All aspects including the possible involvement of an INSAS rifle with 28 rounds that went missing two days ago is being ascertained.” the army release said.

The army said that the families of the soldiers killed in the incident are being informed. According to sources, Army Chief General Manoj Pandey will meet Defense Minister Rajnath Singh today and will inform him about the firing incident.

Earlier, sources in the Punjab Police had ruled out any terror angle in the incident. According to sources, all the entry gates of the army cantonment in Bathinda have been closed. He said that an INSAS rifle with 28 cartridges had gone missing about two days ago and some army men could be behind the incident.

According to a statement by the Indian Army’s South Western Command, the firing incident took place around 4.35 am inside the Bathinda military station. Army said a search operation is underway, “Four casualties were reported in the incident. Station Quick Reaction Teams were activated and the area was cordoned off and sealed. Search operation underway.” “, informed the Headquarters SW Command.