Barriers between government and private sector reduced during COVID: Dr. Trehan to Kailashnath

Dr Naresh Trehan, Chairman and Managing Director, Medanta Heart Institute said that with the unprecedented focus on healthcare infrastructure and coordination between the government and the private sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, the pandemic has limited our five-year plans to three years. Have given. ,

Talking to Governance Now MD Kailashnath Adhikari, Dr. Trehan said that we always knew that our services are proportionately weak. Close cooperation between the government and the private sector during COVID has shown that if we work together, we can better protect our population than if we worked separately.

“We have always known that our services are proportionately weak. Numerically, no. The number of beds, nurses, doctors, paramedics is less as compared to some of our poor neighbours. The positive side was that the government and the private sector worked together to fight the battle in the health sector. A lot of barriers between the government and the private sector have been reduced”.

He was in a webcast as part of the Visionary Talk series organized by the Public Policy and Governance Analysis Forum.

Dr. Trehan said that even in the case of IT, with sophisticated patient management and diagnosis, video management of illness and remote patient care is now coming down the pipe.

The eminent cardiovascular and cardiothoracic surgeon called for ‘what he does best’, said the government and the private sector should leverage each other’s strengths and mobilize forces to provide immediate relief in those areas. Where earlier there was no coordination or joint effort between the two. During covid, the industry came very quickly and rose to the occasion by reusing PPEs, masks, ventilators.

“We must channelize the strength and resources of our country into a strong movement. The new mantra should be that the combined power of hope can bring quick relief to our country at every level. The urgency with which we must access healthcare and its infrastructure and Attentive service needs attention, i.e. training people, there are more nurses, doctors etc, etc. All should work together so that we can rise up with a well integrated system.”

Asked whether India may enter the endemic phase of the pandemic, Dr Trehan said, “This perception has hurt people a lot at present. I think it’s confusing for people, including people like us.”

He said the WHO expert in Europe has warned that if infections continue at this rate over the next few months, they expect about half a million people to die. “This may sound like an exaggeration, but it is a serious warning,” he said.

“Around the world, unvaccinated children are a concern for people like us, and as schools reopen children will take it home and pass the virus on to family elders. This is a double whammy for the safety of children and adults. I think it’s time to exercise caution.”

On vaccine hesitation, Dr. Trehan said, “No major adverse effects have been observed since the introduction of vaccination, why vaccine hesitation would be a decoction… that is the big question. Because the counterargument is that you will put yourself, your family, your community and your country in danger.”

He said that on April-May 2021, 2. considering the extreme ofRa Ripple, next 4-6 weeks will be very crucial for India to see if the pattern remains the same or not. “If by the end of January, we haven’t seen 3”third wave, we will need to evaluate’ he cautioned that with weddings, festivals and holiday season coming up, cabs should be followed and public should be warned to wear mask and maintain distance.

Speaking on booster shots, Dr. Trehan said that 2. Most people have antibodies in 6 months fromRa With dosages being reduced to very low levels and India with 200 million additional doses lying around, there is elbow room to introduce booster doses as most developed countries have already done it.

“There is data that if you have been double vaccinated and if you do become exposed your chances of becoming infected or severe are lower than normal and the severity will be limited. With monoclonal antibody drugs available, cocktails can quickly reduce viral loads. Also, there is a lot of development happening in the Covid ecosystem,” he said.

Praising the Government of India’s policy of making RTPCR testing mandatory for all international arrivals at airports across the country and praising the results of the test being used for genome sequencing, Dr Trehan said that it is a good step and It should continue to explore a possible new version as all international travel does. has now been opened.

However, he added that the wild card is that no one knows if a new variant coming from another country will cause worldwide havoc again. “If the virus mutates to a level that disregards our current immunity if this is overcome we could be catastrophic. Not as much. The more people infected, the more likely the virus is to have a new mutation and we don’t know if the new mutation is more lethal,” he cautioned.

He praised the ‘Bhilwara model’ in the early days of COVID-19 in India, where the district administration locked down the entire district to contain the virus and said that through such proactive response to early warning systems, we Can include any new version.

He reiterated that the quiet period is still with low numbers. The number of cases can be used to strengthen our early warning intelligence systems so that when a new case is detected in real time, appropriate measures can be taken to prevent it.

Dr Trehan also said that at Medanta, they have designed a post covid recovery program where post covid recovery they do a thorough check up to reach the damage done by covid and make a complete program to return to life . He advised a diet rich in proteins and vitamins along with a good dose of anti-oxidants to reduce/maintain the inflammation in the body and that any inflammation of the heart should be reported to the person.

Disclaimer: “This is a sponsored feature and provided by Governance Now.”

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