Bannon for defying January 6 committee summons citing Trump’s ‘direction’ – World Latest News Headlines – Bharat Times Hindi News – World Latest News Headlines

Bannon’s lawyer told the committee that “executive privileges belong to President Trump” and that “we must accept his directive and honor his call for executive privilege.”

The letter, written to Bannon’s legal team, said it is up to the courts to decide whether they are ultimately compelled to cooperate – essentially daring the House to prosecute or hold it in criminal contempt. .

“As such, until these issues are resolved, we are unable to respond to your request for documents and testimony,” Attorney Robert Costello wrote.

The letter, sent Thursday to the committee, came after a lawyer for former President Donald Trump told Bannon the subpoena targets, including for not complying with Congressional requests and documents related to privileged content. . have been taken.

The claim that Bannon could be covered by a former president’s prerogative is unusual because Bannon had not been working for the federal government during the period surrounding the January 6 Uprising.

Claims of privilege generally apply to deliberations between officials close to the president and government employees, and Bannon was fired from his role as a White House adviser in 2017.

Many legal experts say Bannon, as a private citizen, would not stand to block a subpoena by claiming executive privilege.

Bannon’s legal team also indicated that Bannon would comply with court decisions on the matter.

According to the letter, “we will follow the directions of the courts as they rule on these claims of both executive and attorney client privileges.” “Since these privileges belong to President Trump and not to Mr. Bannon, until these issues are resolved, Mr. Bannon is legally unable to comply with your subpoena requests for documents and testimony.”

Committee says Meadows and Patel are ‘charming’

Bannon and other Trump aides were summons sent by the Select Committee of the House at the end of last month for private deposits and records.

All document requests were due on Thursday and former Trump employees were asked to appear before the committee next week.

Committee Chairman Benny Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, and Vice Chairman Liz Cheney, a Wyoming Republican, said former Trump officials Mark Meadows and Kash Patel have “engaged so far” with the panel.

Patel told CNN in a statement on Friday that “I can confirm that I have responded to the summons in a timely manner.”

“Furthermore, I will not comment on my confidential dealings with the committee. But I can assure you that I will continue to tell the truth and focus on Fight With Wish to help any American who is censored and misrepresented online,” he said. To continue.

It is unclear whether former deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino has responded.

These four were also sent a letter this week by Trump’s lawyer advising them. defense intent Which he saw as a breach of executive privilege.

In the letter seen by CNN, a lawyer for Trump advised him to “enforce any exemptions and privileges where appropriate” and not to provide documents or testimony.

A spokesman for the committee declined to comment.

The legal battle could take a long time, and Democrats could face a deadline for the 2022 midterm elections.

“While Mr. Meadows and Mr. Patel have been associated with the Select Committee so far, Mr. Bannon has indicated that he will try to hide behind vague references to the privileges of the former president. The Select Committee fully expects all these witnesses. Both To comply with our demands for documents and testimonials,” Thompson and Cheney said.

In their statement, Thompson and Cheney clarify that the committee will act “rapidly” against those who refuse to comply with a lawful subpoena, including seeking to hold them in criminal contempt, Because they try to allay the concern that the committee will not function with enough force.

“While the Select Committee welcomes goodwill engagement with witnesses to cooperate with our investigation, we will not allow any witness to disobey a valid subpoena or attempt to run the clock, and we will expedite referral to Congress.” . Will try to criminalize it.” Will consider it contempt,” he said. said.

Bannon’s relationship with Trump

Bannon, who was Trump’s former White House chief strategist, Spoke to Trump in December, Authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their book “Peril” urge Congress to focus on the Electoral College vote on January 6, the date of official certification. “We’re going to bury Biden on January 6th,” Bannon is quoted as saying.
Steve Bannon kneeling on January 6
Woodward and Costa also reported that Trump called Bannon after him Controversial January 5th meeting With then-Vice President Mike Pence, in which the vice president said he did not have the authority to block the authentication of Joe Biden’s victory.
in that letter to bannonIn December, the select committee cited communications with Trump “and potentially other opportunities” in which Bannon reportedly urged Trump to “plan and focus his efforts on January 6.

As for Meadows, the committee wrote that the investigation had uncovered “credible evidence of your involvement in events within the scope of the Select Committee’s investigation,” citing your proximity to Trump on the day of the attack. The committee would like to know more about Meadows’ efforts to help reverse the 2020 election results.

When the summons was first issued, House Select Chairman Benny Thompson of the Mississippi Democrat told CNN’s Manu Raju that criminal contempt was “on the table” if the committee summoned individuals for not cooperating. Is.

This story has been updated with additional details on Friday.

CNN’s Annie Grier, Zachary Cohen, Whitney Wilde and Veronica Straqualursi contributed to this report.
