Banned during his presidency, Trump files suit against Facebook-Twitter

He was banned while he was president. This is proof that the big tech companies have completely spiraled out of control. Former US President Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit against Facebook and Twitter for making such allegations.

They have sued not only the companies but also the CEOs. Trump said this at a news conference in New Jersey. He has been banned from Twitter, Facebook and Google since the Capitol Hill violence on January 8. According to social media outlets, Trump has been posting inflammatory posts. It has caused a lot of unrest.

Reportedly, Trump’s behavior after the result of the vote was not favorable to the president. The vote was rigged and Trump continued to post claiming that the consequences of his defeat were impossible. Everyone should come forward if needed, he kept on saying. As a result, January 8 became one of the darkest days of American democracy.

Meanwhile, companies like Twitter and Facebook are continuously censoring Trump’s counter-statements. He claimed that a plan was being made to keep his mouth shut. There is no response from social media companies yet.

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