EAM Dr S Jaishankar on Tuesday apprised the Lok Sabha of the ‘unfolding’ political situation in Bangladesh. The EAM also informed the House that India is ‘monitoring status of minorities’. There have been several reports of Hindus’ houses being attacked in unrest-torn Bangladesh. Jaishankar also informed that there has been considerable tensions, deep divides and growing polarisation in Bangladesh politics since January 2024.
Jaishankar in Rajya Sabha said, “I rise to apprise this august House of certain recent developments pertaining to Bangladesh…Since the election in January 2024, there has been considerable tensions, deep divides and growing polarization in Bangladesh politics. This underlying foundation aggravated a student agitation that started in June this year. There was growing violence, including attacks on public buildings and infrastructure, as well as traffic and rail obstructions. The violence continued through July. Throughout this period, we repeatedly counselled restraint and urged that the situation be defused through dialogue. Similar urgings were made to various political forces with whom we were in touch…On 5th August, demonstrators converged in Dhaka despite the curfew.”
“Our understanding is that after a meeting with leaders of the security establishment, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina apparently decided to resign. At a very short notice, she requested approval to come for the moment to India. We simultaneously received a request for flight clearance from Bangladesh authorities. She arrived yesterday evening in Delhi. The situation in Bangladesh is still evolving. The Army Chief, General Waker-uz-Zaman, addressed the nation on 5th August. He spoke about assuming responsibility and constituting an interim government…”
Jaishankar says, “We are also monitoring the situation with regard to the status of minorities. There are reports of initiatives by various groups and organizations to ensure their protection and well-being. We welcome that and will naturally remain deeply concerned till law and order is visibly restored. Our border guarding forces have also been instructed to be exceptionally alert in view of this complex situation. In the last 24 hours, we have been in regular touch with the authorities in Dhaka. This is the situation as of now. I seek the understanding and support of the House in regard to sensitive issues regarding an important neighbour on which there has always been strong national consensus.”
“We are in close and continuous touch with the Indian community in Bangladesh through our diplomatic missions. There are an estimated 19,000 Indian nationals who usually live there, of which about 9,000 are students. The bulk of the students, however, have already returned to India in July on the advice of the High Commission. In terms of our diplomatic presence, in addition to the High Commission in Dhaka, we have Assistant High Commissions in Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna and Sylhet. It is our expectation that the host government will provide the required security protection for these establishments. We look forward to their normal functioning once the situation stabilises,” he added.