Bangladesh Seeks Pakistan’s Apology Over 1971 War Massacre, Hina Rabbani Avoids

Bangladesh has once again asked Pakistan to publicly apologize for the genocide perpetrated by the Pakistani invading forces in the 1971 Liberation War. Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen made this demand in a meeting with Pakistani State Minister for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar in Sri Lanka’s capital Colombo last Saturday. However, Momen said that Hina Rabbani was not responding to his proposal.

This information was given by Foreign Minister Momen while replying to journalists at the state guest house ‘Padma’ on Sunday afternoon. He said, “He (Pakistan’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs) told me that he wants to strengthen relations with us. We have asked him to publicly apologize for the massacre in 1971. He avoided the issue. Gave and did not answer. He said.” They have some limits. I said we have some limits here.”

External Affairs Minister said, “Pakistan wants to increase trade relations with us. They want FOC. I said you have given anti-dumping conditions and they said it is a good thing. It seemed positive to me. They want to improve relations with us.” Are.” The entire Indian subcontinent, not just Bangladesh.”

External Affairs Minister visited Colombo on 3 and 4 February to participate in the 75th Republic Day celebrations of Sri Lanka. On the sidelines of the programme, Pakistan’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar had a courtesy meeting with the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh on Saturday.