bandu ki blockbuster

Four years ago on 1 April, troubled by the constant jokes happening in the village at his own expense, Bandu Barve decided he had enough. It was time for him to become ‘smart’. His dead granny’s voice rang in his ears – “Read the papers, dude, they tell you all.” So, Bandu went to the newspaper store at his father’s desk. As luck would have it, Bandu’s first paper was The Hindu Businessline. Stock Rico, in particular, had him thrilled. Soon Bandu transformed into an ace investor and businessman.

These days, Bandu picks five stocks every Sunday, which he believes will be blockbusters next week. Here’s your chance to join forces with Bandu.

Take an idea of ​​the stock which will give the best return till next Friday (BSE Prices). By this Wednesday afternoon, mail us with your name, mobile number and address of your choice and its likely price at One lucky winner will get a prize of ₹2,000.

Bandu’s Choice

Macrotech Developers

Finolex Industries

century textile and industry



Last week’s winning stock: AIA Engineering

Last week’s winners: V DURAIARASAN

Closing Price: (May 27): ₹2,070.50

Closing Price: (June 03): ₹2,247.65

Returns: 8.57 per cent

Published on

June 04, 2022