Baloch: 4 Pakistani security personnel killed in Balochistan attack as claimed by Baloch Liberation Army – Times of India

ISLAMABAD: At least four security personnel were killed and two others injured in an explosion targeting Pakistan’s paramilitary forces in a troubled region of the country. Balochistan province, an official said on Sunday.
illegal Baloch Liberation Army (Blue) claimed responsibility for attack.
According to Dawn newspaper, a Frontier Corps (FC) vehicle was attacked in Khosaat area of ​​Harnai district on Saturday.
FC soldiers were on patrol when their vehicle was hit by an improvised explosive device, resulting in the death of four soldiers and injuring two officers.
Security forces shifted the injured to nearby hospitals.
Balochistan has been witness to low level violence for years. On Friday, two security personnel were killed and five others were injured in an attack in the province’s Awaran district.
local Baloch nationalists, BLA and Taliban Terrorists are involved in these attacks.
In 2019, United States of america The BLA, fighting the Pakistani rule in Balochistan province, has been designated as a terrorist organization.
