Ballari: MGNREGA implementation in Bellary tops Karnataka | Hubli News – Times of India

Ballari: Ballari The district has got the first place in the state in the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Work (MGNREGA) Plan. The district is on top in achieving the targets under the scheme in terms of generation of man-days, completion of tasks within stipulated time and clearing of rejected transactions.
In Ballari and Vijayanagar districts more than 80% of the annual achievement has been accomplished by Ballari in five months District Panchayat. Zilla Parishad 88.15. gave rise million person-days Against the target of 1.10 crore for the financial year till September 4.
The Zilla Parishad has also provided employment to 2 lakh families, out of which 2053 families have already completed 100 days in this period. It is ranked in terms of geo-tagging assets by achieving 100% target. Geo-tagging of the works done so far under the Employment Guarantee Scheme has been done. As far as distribution of wages in stipulated time is concerned, the district has registered 99%.
“We are focused on implementing Jala Shakti Campaign under MGNREGA to protect natural resources. Development of ponds, restoration of canals and other water bodies, construction of check dams, cattle sheds, vermi-compost pits, farm ponds and school premises, and development of playgrounds and graveyards will be taken up. Under the campaign, more than 15,216 works are underway and 11,329 works have been completed. We are expecting that 515 crore liters of water will be stored and at least 327 crore liters of groundwater will be recharged. It has created 80.5 lakh jobs under this scheme and has spent Rs 216 crore for this purpose. Basavaraj Adavimath, Deputy Secretary, Zilla Panchayat, Ballari.
“We have completed the work within the stipulated time. We have cleared all the disallowed transactions and geotagging of properties under the scheme,” he said.
“Our Zilla Parishad is at the top in the state in the implementation of MGNREGA. It is the result of effective teamwork. All our EOs, PDOs and others have contributed towards this achievement,” said. KR Nandini, Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Panchayat, Ballari.
