Ayurveda For PCOS: Tips, Herbs And Treatment To Manage Polycystic Ovary Syndrome And Hormonal Balance

More than half of the women in India experience some or the other gynecological or reproductive health problems. The most common disorder among them is PCOS. It is a hormonal disorder characterized by multiple cysts in the ovaries, irregular menstrual cycles and an imbalance of reproductive hormones.

While PCOS poses many challenges to women’s health and fertility, Ayurveda, the Vedic system of medicine, offers holistic solutions to manage and combat the condition.

balancing blame

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According to Ayurveda, PCOS is mainly caused due to imbalance of Kapha and Vata doshas. Treatment focuses on balancing these doshas through diet and lifestyle modifications, herbal remedies and rejuvenating therapies. There are some 49 herbs in Ayurveda which can help to overcome the problem of PCOS, such as Giloy, Kanchanar, Varuna, Shilajit, Trikatu, Trijata, Bilvapatra, Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Amalaki, Methika, Vijayasar, Avartaki, Jamun, Meshashringi, Mamajwa, Saptarangi, Neem, Karela, Yashda Bhasma, Kutaj, Patol, Kutki, Ashoka , Lodhra, Triphala, Haritaki. .

Kanchanar | Bauhinia variegated

Kanchanar has a cooling effect and it cures phlegm and bile. It cures worms, leprosy, thyroid disorders and ulcers. Its flower is small, rough and removes bloodsucker, whitewash, emaciation and cough.


In the case of PCOS, the ovaries produce abnormally high levels of androgens, male sex hormones that are normally present in small amounts in females. Giloy herb also helps in preventing the symptoms of PCOS


Turmeric, a commonly used spice in Ayurvedic cooking, contains a compound called curcumin, which exhibits potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In PCOS, turmeric may help reduce inflammation, regulate menstrual cycles, and improve insulin sensitivity. It also aids in weight management, which is important for individuals with PCOS due to its association with insulin resistance.

Diet and lifestyle modification

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle in dealing with PCOS. This includes eating whole foods, avoiding processed and sugary foods, and including herbs and spices with therapeutic properties.

regulation of the menstrual cycle

Irregular periods are a common concern for women with PCOS. Ayurveda offers remedies to control menstrual flow and restore regularity. Herbal formulations such as Dashamoolarishta, Pushyanuga Churna and Kumaryasava are used to balance hormones, improve uterine health and support normal menstruation.

PCOS poses significant challenges to the health and fertility of women in India. While conventional treatments are available, Ayurveda offers a unique approach to managing PCOS by addressing the root causes through lifestyle modifications and herbal remedies. The holistic nature of Ayurveda aims to restore balance in the body, improve overall well-being, and provide long-term relief from PCOS symptoms.