Ayesha suicide case: Ahmedabad court sentenced Aisha’s husband Arif to 10 years in jail, suicide video was important evidence

Ahmedabad10 hours ago

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On 25 February 2021, Ayesha committed suicide by jumping into the Sabarmati river in Ahmedabad.  - Dainik Bhaskar

On 25 February 2021, Ayesha committed suicide by jumping into the Sabarmati river in Ahmedabad.

Ayesha’s husband Arif has been sentenced to 10 years in jail by the sessions court in Ahmedabad’s famous Ayesha suicide case. This case of suicide is of February 25 last year. Tired of harassment by her husband for dowry, 23-year-old Ayesha committed suicide by jumping into the Sabarmati river. Before the suicide, Ayesha had also made an emotional video, which became fiercely viral.

Arif had said – ‘Send the video of death’
Ayesha had also talked to her parents before the suicide. During this, Ayesha told her father that I am tired now. Even my death does not bother Arif. He has asked me to send him the video of my death if I die. That’s why I am sending this video to him.

Ayesha was married in 2018 to Arif, who lives in Jalore, Rajasthan.

Ayesha was married in 2018 to Arif, who lives in Jalore, Rajasthan.

Chats were found from Ayesha’s mobile
Arif had deleted all the WhatsApp chats he had with Ayesha from his mobile. However, all the chats were present in Ayesha’s mobile. When the officers showed Arif the chat found in Ayesha’s mobile, Arif understood that he was going to be trapped. He also confessed that he deleted the chat after the video of Ayesha’s suicide went viral.

Arif used to talk to girlfriend in front of Ayesha
Ayesha’s lawyer Zafar Pathan has made many shocking revelations in the court during the hearing. He told that 23-year-old Ayesha was married to Arif, a resident of Jalore, Rajasthan in 2018. Arif had an affair with a girl from Rajasthan. In front of Ayesha, Arif used to talk to girlfriend on video call. He used to spend money on his girlfriend and for this reason he used to demand money from Ayesha’s father.

Arif had fled after the video went viral.  The police had arrested him from Pali.

Arif had fled after the video went viral. The police had arrested him from Pali.

Lawyer said- Ayesha’s struggle started only after 2 months of marriage
Zafar explains that the video made by Ayesha on the Sabarmati Riverfront shook people, but the reality was that Ayesha’s struggle had started only after two months of her marriage. It was Arif himself who told Ayesha that he was in love with another girl.

Despite this, Ayesha kept fighting to save the honor of her poor parents. She went through a new trouble every moment, but remained silent. What can be a worse feeling for a girl than that her husband talks to his girlfriend in front of her.

Ayesha's father Liaquat Ali (left) does a tailoring job.

Ayesha’s father Liaquat Ali (left) does a tailoring job.

Ayesha tried to handle the situation till the end
Ayesha’s lawyer tells that Ayesha was a talented girl. Apart from studies, she was smart in all the household chores. The way she had handled the responsibilities of her household since childhood, she tried in the same way in her in-laws too.

He tried to handle the situation till the end, so that his family would not suffer. At the time of marriage, Ayesha’s father gave his daughter everything she needed, but Ayesha’s husband and in-laws were not satisfied with it.

Ayesha's last letter, in which she has mentioned the atrocities committed on herself.

Ayesha’s last letter, in which she has mentioned the atrocities committed on herself.

The child died in the womb due to depression
Meanwhile, it is also learned that Arif had once dropped Ayesha to Ahmedabad. Ayesha was pregnant at that time. The family alleges that Arif had said that if you give me one and a half lakh rupees, I will take Ayesha with me.

Ayesha was broken by such behavior of Arif during pregnancy. She got into depression. Because of this he started bleeding profusely. Doctors immediately told the need for surgery, but her baby could not be saved in the womb. The family says that despite this, Arif and his family did not make any difference. They kept on demanding money.

Ayesha had made a video laughing on the bridge of the Sabarmati river before the suicide.

Ayesha had made a video laughing on the bridge of the Sabarmati river before the suicide.

Ayesha’s last words in the video were like this…
want to go peacefully

Ayesha said in the video – Hello, Islam Walikum, my name is Ayesha Arif Khan .. and whatever I am going to do, I am going to do it according to my wish. There is no pressure in this, now just what to say? Understand that the life given by God was like this. And I found life so relaxing. And dad, how long will you fight? Withdraw the case. Ayesha is not made for fighting. And love Arif, don’t bother him a bit. If he wants freedom, then it is okay that he should be free. Let your life go till here. I am happy that I will meet Allah and tell him that where is my mistake? The parents were very good, the friends were very good, but somewhere there was a shortcoming from me. I pray to Allah not to show human face again.

just wanna blow like the wind
I am definitely learning one thing that if you want to love, then do it two-sided, because nothing is achieved in one-sidedness. Love remains incomplete even after marriage. ‘O dear little river, please take me into you’ and whatever happens behind my back, please don’t make much fuss. I am like the wind, just want to keep blowing. Don’t wait for anyone, I am glad that the questions that were wanted were answered today. And I have told whomever I wanted to tell. Thank you, remember me in your prayers. I don’t know, heaven may not be found. Let’s say goodbye

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