Autistic Pride Day 2023: Expert Explains How Excessive Screen Time Is Linked With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autistic Pride Day is a day dedicated to promoting awareness of autism. It is celebrated every year on 18 June. The goal of Autistic Pride Day is to promote acceptance, understanding and respect for individuals on the autism spectrum. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder that affects how a person interacts and reacts to the world around them. It is characterized by differences in the child’s social interaction, communication and behaviour. Autism is defined by a spectrum because each autistic person is different in terms of severity and domains affected.

Symptoms of autism may start from infancy but may be recognized late in many children due to lack of awareness and sometimes due to the non-specific nature of symptoms which may be considered normal. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one in fifty five children may suffer from autism and it affects more boys than girls.

Dr Amit Batra, Principal Consultant – Neurosciences, Max Super Specialty Hospital, Patparganj explains how excessive screen time is linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder.

What are the causes of autism?

Dr Batra explains, “The causes are mainly related to brain injury, especially in the weeks just before birth, during delivery, or a few days after childbirth. Complications are directly related to the process of delivery or May be related to other medical conditions like jaundice, infection etc.

“Problems with social interaction and communication may include verbal communication (speech/language), repetition of speech, problems with eye contact, facial expressions, inability to express emotion, and social adjustment. They may include problems with light, sound, and touch. Dr Batra further explains, problems with set-shifting, planning and repetitive behavior lead to learning disabilities. Patients may have difficulty with motor coordination and movement and have frequent falls. Could

Can excessive exposure to screens act as a trigger?

Batra said, “Excessive screen time can affect a child’s speech, physical, emotional, and physiological development. A recent study showed that longer periods of screen time among 1-year-old boys increased their risk of death at age 3.” significantly associated with autism spectrum disorder. year old. However, the study showed no association between the amount or extent of a child’s screen time.”

Another study exploring autism and screen time concluded that longer screen time, especially at an early age, was associated with more severe sensory integration symptoms, attention problems, and greater developmental delays, especially in language.

“While this relationship is still under investigation and is inconclusive, it is strongly recommended by various medical bodies to try to limit screen time in children,” Dr Batra said.

to take precautionary measures

Dr Batra shares some steps as precautionary measures, these include:

1) Setting a limit and setting a maximum number of hours in a day

2) Fixing a routine, setting a time slot and no screen time at least 1-2 hours before bedtime.

3) Using screen time as a reinforcer for desired behavior or rewards

4) Planning activities other than screen time like outdoor games, dancing, crafts etc.

5) Using the screen for accessories such as interactive and educational games, and videos, and for social interaction with friends and family

Overall, devices can be beneficial to children when used judiciously, while too much use can be detrimental to their development. So we need to be aware of their potential risks and try to limit their use and use them to their advantage for better mental and social development.