Au Students Demand Exams In Online Mode | Allahabad News – Times of India

Prayagraj: The campus of the Allahabad University continued to witness massive protest by a large number of students on Friday. The protest was staged by students in favor of their demand for holding annual exams in an online mode, against the decision put across by the authorities which has announced to conduct annual exams through an offline mode.
Adamant over their demand, the protesting students locked all the entry gates of the arts campus which did not allow any faculty to enter the premises. While thousands of students were seen protesting. At the same time there were many who preferred to sit at the reading hall of the central library which remained open for the students all day.
The protest was purposefully staged in front of Dean Student Welfare ,DSW)’s office of the art campus. Since the early morning, the number of protester started to gather by addressing student leaders and other students alike.
The focus of their protests displayed how can students choose online examination mode if the teaching faculty is unable to choose online classes for the ongoing academic session. The students were seen carrying placards mentioning their demands for the online mode. The campus also witnessed heavy deployment of police force along with PCA personnel. However, since the entire protest was peaceful, no untoward incident was reported. Last week, following the meeting of the examination committee, the Controller of Examinations Prof Ramendra Kumar Singh has informed that AU would be conducting the graduation second and third year examinations via offline mode from April 22. Examinations of the first semester of PG courses will be held offline from the first week of May.
At the same time when a large number of students were protesting at the DSW office, many of their counterparts were seen attending their classes that was through offline mode in different departments.
According to AU PRO, Prof Jaya Kapoor said, “Amidst an attempt by a fringe group of students to agitate against offline examinations, the Vice Chancellor visited different departments of the science faculty and inspected the classes that were conducted in an offline mode”. She adds, “The teachers are leaving no stone unturned to compensate for the loss in offline teaching due to the pandemic and the decision to increase the working days extending into Saturday is welcomed by all. “AU is committed to complete the courses before the final examination which will be taken in an offline mode”, said the PRO.
Another interesting aspect witnessed by AU campus on Friday was that a huge number of students turned up at the reading hall of AU’s central library, located near from the protesting site of the Arts campus. The head count of the students kept on increasing as the day progressed. The authorities of the library were equally supportive for the students who have chosen self-studies over protest.
