Attempts at artificial rain in Rajasthan: 60 days of flying aircraft, no clouds formed even once at the cost of 9 crores, due to less rain, the dam did not fill with water, then resorted to this technique

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Artificial rain was attempted in a 60-day flight aircraft in Rajasthan, clouds did not form even once at the cost of 9 crores, due to less rain, the dam did not fill with water, then resorted to this technique

Chittargarh8 hours agoAuthor: Rajnarayan Sharma

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Chittorgarh dam 84% empty, cloud seeding exercise.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Chittorgarh dam 84% empty, cloud seeding exercise.

The district’s largest Ghasunda dam is still 84% empty due to low rainfall in Chittorgarh, Rajasthan this monsoon. Therefore, an exercise is underway to make artificial rain through cloud seeding technology. For this, an aircraft has been flying in the sky for 60 days to sprinkle chemicals in the clouds. So far, 9 crore rupees have been spent on this work, but till now not even a single artificial cloud has been formed. So still waiting for the rain. For this, the State Home Ministry had issued permission letter on 3 February.

Actually, Ghasunda Dam is the main drinking water source of Chittaurgarh city. A certain part of its water is reserved for the industrial unit Hindustan Zinc. Its capacity is 1123 mcft. This time due to lack of good rains so far, only 16% of the water has come into the dam. The industrial unit is worried that due to non-availability of water in the dam, water will not be available for their industries. That’s why cloud siding technique is being used.

Aircraft releases chemicals, then it rains

In special aircraft, a rocket is filled with silver iodide and chloride and it is released into the clouds. This is called hygroscopic injection. This causes clouds to accumulate and artificial rain starts. This is possible only when there are monsoon clouds and there is moisture in the atmosphere.

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