At a mass grave in a Kyiv suburb, the feeling of loss is impossible to measure – Henry’s Club

Shedding half tears, he says, “Brother, we’ve been looking for you for a long time.” His brother, Dmitry, has been missing for almost a week and neighbors tell Vladimir that he might be buried here.

“We thought you were alive,” cries Vladimir.

Inside the grave, the bodies are stacked on top of each other, mostly inside black bags, but with some organs. Only a few are recorded. A CNN team finds at least a dozen bodies mass graveBut Earth shows signs of recent movement, suggesting that many more may lie beneath.

Kyiv regional police and local residents say they believe at least 150 people were buried in the mass grave, but the mayor of Buka says the death toll could be as high as 300. CNN could not independently verify their claims.

Vladimir collects himself, his wife, Anna, and a neighbor, Lyubov, and leaves. He says he believes his brother is buried there, but the sad reality is that he can’t know for sure — and probably not for very long.

Residents say that the tomb, on the ground behind the Church of St. Andrew and Pirvozvannoho All Saints, was excavated quickly. Russia’s invasion of UkraineSuch was the death toll in this leafy suburb of Kyiv.
Maxar. satellite image from On going back on 10th March, it is found that the trench is already being dug.

As Russian forces withdraw from the area around Kyiv, the magnitude of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine is increasingly exposed. The death and destruction brought on by Russia’s war machine are on full display in Buka, where bodies could be seen on the streets of the suburb as early as Sunday. Some had their hands tied behind their backs.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has blamed Russia for the killings inside the district, accusing Moscow of trying to eliminate its “entire nation”.

“It’s about the destruction and destruction of all these nationalities,” he said in an interview on CBS News’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.
For its part, Russia has denied any involvement, saying it does not target civilians and saying Photos of dead bodies on the streets of Bucas are fake.
Inside the district, roads are littered with destroyed Russian armored vehicles – including tanks – ambushed by Ukrainian drones or units NATO-supplied hand-held rocket launchers like a spear and Next-Generation Light Anti-Tank Weapons SystemsOr NLAW.

In some cases, entire columns of Russian armored vehicles were stuck on narrow residential streets before being destroyed.

A column of Russian armored vehicles stands on a road in Buka.

“They thought they could drive and pass through the streets. They would be greeted as if it was okay to come here,” Valery Spychek, an officer with the Ukrainian National Police, told us. “Maybe they think robbing, It’s normal to destroy buildings and make fun of people.”

“But our people did not allow it,” he says.

The vehicles are now rusting where they stopped, causing heavy damage to Moscow, before being pulled from the area around Kyiv.

Several multi-storey buildings were destroyed in the city of Bordyanka, northwest of Kyiv.

Destruction extended to most of the buildings and other surrounding infrastructure, leaving very few houses intact, the majority uninhabitable after Russia’s attack on the capital.

Bucha’s outlook is similar to what CNN was able to see in other districts around Kyiv, such as Irvin, Myla, Hostomel and as far north as Bordyanka.

In the latter, entire multi-storey buildings were razed by artillery shells as Ukrainians and Russians fought for control of the area. Officials say they fear bodies are lying under rubble and it is still impossible to estimate the actual death.