Astronomers looking for ET detect the appearance and disappearance of 9 ‘stars’ – Times of India

Nine star-like objects that appear and disappear within 30 minutes have excited an international team of astronomers as it continues to investigate the curious phenomenon in hopes of finding sources of extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI).
International collaboration of astronomers from Sweden, Spain, USA, Ukraine and India including Alok C Gupta Aryabhatta Research Institute Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital investigated an early form of photography that used glass plates to capture images of the night sky from April 12, 1950, exposed at the Palomar Observatory in California and Detected these transient stars, which were not found. Photos after half an hour and since then have not been detected.
Astronomers compare old images of the night sky with new modern ones to track disappearing and visible celestial objects, record paranormal events, and probe such events in depth to record changes in the universe. Huh.
For the first time in the history of astronomy, such a group of objects appearing and disappearing at the same time has been detected. Gupta told TOI: “There has never been any evidence for anything like this before and it naturally piqued our interest.”
The findings have been published in Nature, and there is no explanation in well-established astronomical phenomena such as gravitational lensing, fast radio bursts, or any variable star that could account for this cluster of rapid changes in the sky, known as What Gupta has said is what makes the discovery more interesting.
The only thing they can say for sure is that there are star-like objects in these images that shouldn’t be there, he said. In fact, astronomers who are related to collaboration vanishing and emerging sources Looking forward to seeing more signatures of solar reflections in these digitized data from the 1950s in the hopes of finding ETI now during the Century of Observation (VASCO).
The study was led by Beatriz Villaroel nordic institute of theoretical physics, Stockholm, Sweden, and Spain’s Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, and used the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias – the largest optical telescope in the world – in the Canary Islands, Spain, to make deep observations of the second era.
As they continue to explore the reasons behind the observations of these strange transient objects, astronomers are investigating the possibility that the photographic plates were contaminated with radioactive particles, causing false stars on the plates.
“But if the observations prove to be anecdotal, there are solar reflections from reflective, unnatural objects in orbit around Earth several years before the first human satellite was launched,” it said in a statement. In hopes of finding signature ETIs of solar reflections in these digitized data from the 1950s.
TOI first reported on the VASCO group in February 2020 when it proposed that “the parts of space where many stars seem to be missing may be the best places to look for ETI.” The team then proposed searching surveys for missing stars in our Galaxy as a probe for “impossible impacts” that could only be attributed to an extraterrestrial technique.


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