Asked to remove the SUV, the owner and his friend beat up the Manesar man. Gurgaon News – Times of India

GURUGRAM: A Manesari The resident was allegedly attacked by two men after a dispute over the parking of one SUV middle of the road.
Nitin, a resident of Sector 1 of Manesar, had gone to Bengali Market On the night of 12 September at 9.30 am, a Scorpio was found standing on the road leading to the market to buy some household items. Nitin requested the vehicle owner to remove his vehicle so that he can move towards the market.
“Two people were eating Liquor inside. They refused to remove the SUV. When I insisted, they tried to run over me. I went aside and saved myself,” Nitin said. He then started abusing Nitin and got out of the car, assaulted him and threatened to kill him before fleeing the spot.
A police officer said that the duo allegedly thrashed Nitin with a rod, injuring him on his head and breaking his arm. After their escape, Nitin called the PCR and was taken to the hospital for treatment. He was discharged on 16 September.
Nitin lodged a police complaint on Tuesday after consulting his family and friends. An FIR was registered at Manesar station under sections 323 (causing hurt), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 34 (common intention) of the IPC.
Police spokesman Subhash Boken said, “A case has been registered and we are trying to identify and track down the accused.”
A few days ago, the owner of a grocery store in old Gurugram was chased, cornered, thrashed and stabbed. The owner was returning home after leaving his sister when a scooter trying to overtake hit his car, leaving the car scratched. Due to a minor accident there was an argument between the businessman and the young man who threatened the businessman and called his friends.
