Asia’s five most haunted places

While some dismiss it as tales and fables, others can’t help but raise their eyebrows when they hear a spine-chilling, paranormal tale. While it all comes down to whether or not you believe in ghosts and spirits, there are places that have a story within them, so scary that you challenge your belief system.

And what better region than Asia to see such places? A land full of cultures, cuisines and traditions, Asia is home to some of the most terrifying fables that can keep you up at night. So let’s take a look at the five most haunted places on the world’s largest continent.

Bhangarh Fort, India

Down to the most haunted place in the country, this 16th-century fort challenges many scary places around the world for its position on the list. The fort and its surrounding area are believed to have been mysteriously abandoned one day, and since then, it has been covered in the shackles of time and the stories that surround it. The area authorities have banned the public from entering the fort after dark.

Forbidden City, China

Home to Chinese emperors for nearly five centuries, the city is now one of the most popular tourist destinations, but only during the day. During the night, the public is strictly prohibited from entering the premises of this city. Legend has it that a woman is heard crying inside the palaces, whose existence dates back to the 1940s.

Old Changi Hospital, Singapore

The hospital was used as a medical facility for the wounded during the second World war. The hospital was also used by the Japanese to house prisoners of war. The facility was abandoned in 1997, after which it has maintained a very spooky charm and is one of the most infamous haunted places in Asia.

Lavang Sewoo, Indonesia

Another haunted place that people are sure to stay away from, is the Lawang Seo, another building stained by the Japanese military’s captivity of war. It was once the site of a bloody dispute between Dutch and Indonesian armies. According to folklore, a young Dutch woman once committed suicide in the building and is believed to have wandered around the property ever since.

Killing Tree, Cambodia

A site where a sign board reads, “Killing Tree Against What Executioners Beat Children,” Killing Tree is one of the most haunted places in Asia. The tree witnesses a massacre by the Khmer Rouge, the Communist Party of Kampuchea. Many believe that the tormented spirits of Cambodians, including children, still haunt the place.

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