ASEAN-India Conference: PM Modi said – India and ASEAN have had relations for thousands of years, its glimpse is visible in language and culture

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi to attend ASEAN India Summit virtually today 28 October

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  • Prime Minister Modi will be involved virtually, issues like strategic partnership and Corona will be discussed

Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the 18th ASEAN-India Summit on Thursday. He said, ‘History is witness that India and ASEAN have had vibrant relations for thousands of years. Their glimpses show our shared values, traditions, languages, texts, architecture, culture, food and drink. Therefore the unity and centrality of ASEAN has always been an important priority for India.

Modi virtually joined this summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Brunei. In this, issues like ASEAN-India Strategic Partnership, Corona, Health, Business and Education were discussed. Heads of State and Governments of ASEAN countries attended this conference.

Organized every year
This conference is organized every year. In this, ASEAN and India get an opportunity to interact at the top level. According to the government, the ASEAN-India partnership is based on strong shared geographical, historical and civilizational foundations.

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