As Titanic decays, expedition will monitor decline – Times of India

Titanic is disappearing. The iconic ocean liner that sank by an iceberg is now slowly succumbing to metal-eating bacteria: holes in the wreckage, the crow’s nest is already gone and the ship’s iconic bow railing at any time may fall.
The race against the inevitable, an underwater exploration company expedition to the site of the wreck, may begin this week in what is expected to be the annual chronicle of the shipwreck. With the help of wealthy tourists, experts hope to learn more about the ship as well as the underwater ecosystem that disperses shipwrecks.
“The ocean is taking over this thing, and we need to document it before it all disappears or becomes unrecognizable,” Stockton rushOceangate expedition chairman said Friday from a ship headed for the North Atlantic wreck.
A 109-year-old shipwreck is being battered by deep-sea currents and bacteria that consume hundreds of pounds of iron a day. Some have predicted that the ship could disappear in a matter of decades as holes in the hull yaw and the sections disintegrate.
Since the ship’s 1985 discovery, the 100-foot (30-metre) forward mast has collapsed. The crow’s nest from which one glance shouted, “Iceberg, right ahead!” disappeared. And the Poop Deck, where the crowd of passengers was when the ship sank, folded on its own.
The gymnasium near the grand staircase has collapsed. And a 2019 expedition found that the captain’s ghostly bathtub, which was visible after the exterior wall of the captain’s cabin collapsed, has disappeared.
“At some point you would expect that the railing on the bow, which is so iconic, has collapsed,” Rush said.
Rush said the company outfitted its carbon fiber and titanium submersibles with high-definition cameras and multi-beam sonar equipment. Charting the decomposition could help scientists predict the fate of other deep-sea debris that sank during world wars.
Oceangate also plans to document the site’s marine life, such as crabs and corals. Hundreds of species have only been seen in the rubble, Rush said.
Another focus will be on the debris field and its artifacts. David Concannon, an Oceangate consultant who has been involved in various Titanic missions, said he once followed a trail of “light debris and small personal impacts such as shoes and luggage” for 2 kilometers (1.2 mi).
Archaeologists and marine biologists are involved in this expedition. But OceanGate is also bringing in about 40 people who paid to come along. They will take turns operating the sonar equipment and perform other tasks in the five-man submarine.
They are funding the campaign by spending anywhere from $100,000 to $150,000.
“Someone Paid $28 Million to Go Along blue original In space, not even the Moon,” said Renata Rojas, 53, of Hoboken, new Jersey. “It’s cheap in comparison.”
A childhood obsession with Titanic, Rojas said he began studying oceanography in the hope of discovering the wreckage one day. But it was found in the same year that inspired him to pursue a career in banking.
“I need to see it with my own eyes to know that it’s actually real,” she said.
Bill Souder, a Titanic historian who previously managed research for the company that owned the ship’s salvage rights, said he doubted the expedition would discover “anything that is front-page news”. But he said it would improve the world’s understanding of the debris layout and debris field. For example, he may want to confirm where the ship’s dog kennel is.
Oceangate would take nothing from the site, making the expedition far less controversial than any other firm’s plans to retrieve the Titanic’s radio.
RMS Titanic, the company that owns the wreck salvage rights, wanted to display radio equipment as it broadcast Titanic’s distress calls. But the proposal sparked a court battle with the US government last year. It said the campaign would break federal law and an agreement Britain To leave the debris undisturbed as it is a grave site.
About 700 of the 2,200 passengers and crew died after the ship hit an iceberg in 1912.
The court battle ended when the firm indefinitely delayed its plans due to complications brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. But it is possible that not everyone will accept this next mission.
In 2003, Ed Kamuda, then-president of the Titanic Historical Society, told The. told The Associated Press There is a need to limit human activity, including tourism and expeditions. He said the site should be a simple maritime monument and should be left alone.
“Let nature take back what is hers,” he said. “It was only a matter of time before there were brown stains and a collection of pig iron on the ocean floor.”


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