As India enters 100 crore Covid vaccine club, survey finds 61% ready to take third shot if available

As India hits the historic milestone of completing 1 billion (100 crore) doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, nine months after launching the “world’s largest vaccination campaign”, a new survey by LocalCircles found That 61% of people are ready to take one. After the third dose of vaccine is available. India on Thursday crossed the milestone of 1 billion doses of vaccine administration, with over 700 million being vaccinated with the first dose and over 300 million with the second dose of the COVID vaccine.

Reading: Coronavirus Live Updates: India Scripts History, Tweets on 1 Billion Vaccine Feat, Expresses Gratitude to Doctors, Nurses

Medical experts suggest that vaccines reduce the chances of being severely affected by COVID-19 and reduce the chances of ICU admission and death.

The Vaccine Hesitancy Study released by LocalCircles earlier this month indicates that only 70 million Indian adults out of the 94 million population are currently hesitating. 700 million Indians have already taken the first dose, which means another 170 million adults will hopefully take their first dose in the next few months, although this may require some sensitization and awareness generation by the government.

With India achieving 1 billion doses of the vaccine, and some countries have already started giving third doses to their senior citizens and vulnerable populations, LocalCircle conducted a study on the willingness of Indians to get a COVID vaccine. Would like to take a third dose if it were to become available in the next 6 months.

The survey received 9,245 responses from citizens living in 301 districts of India. 68% of the respondents were male while 32% of the respondents were female. 43% respondents were from Tier 1, 29% Tier 2 and 28% respondents were from Tier 3, 4 and rural districts.

61% of citizens are willing to take a third dose

The question in the survey asked citizens about their current attitude towards taking the third dose of the COVID vaccine once it becomes available in the next 6 months. In response, a majority of 61% of citizens said “yes, most definitely” would take a third dose of the COVID vaccine once it became available in the next 6 months. Another 27% said “yes, but only if COVID is prevalent or likely to occur” when a third dose is available. Only 6% of citizens said “no, won’t take it”, and another 6% had no opinion. This question got 9,245 responses in the survey.

(image: local circle)

The survey suggests that the majority of the population is currently willing to take a third dose to be protected from COVID-19. While 61% would take the third dose regardless, 27% would take it if COVID cases had become prevalent again. This leaves only 12% of citizens either hesitant or undecided at this point for a third dose of the COVID vaccine.

While many believe that the risk of COVID still remains and the poor compliance with the norms of masking and social distancing and other countries experience, it is likely that cases will rise again a few months from now. People also believe that all the activities of the economy are being unlocked and schools functioning with full attendance are likely to increase the COVID cases and hence once available the third dose will give them COVID-19. Will help you stay safe.

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