‘As A Political Leader…’: RSS Says Rahul Gandhi Should Speak ‘More Responsibly’

Samalkha (Haryana): Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh ,RSS General Secretary Dattatreya Hosabale on Tuesday (March 14, 2023) said that Rahul Gandhi should speak more responsibly and see the reality of Sangh’s acceptability in the society after the Congress leader repeatedly targeted the organization in his speeches. Needed When asked about Gandhi’s recent remarks against the RSS, Hosabale said he might be doing it for his “political agenda”, but the RSS does not work in the political sphere and has no competition with the Sangh. Is.

“As a leader of a political party, he should speak more responsibly and look at the reality of Sangh’s expansion and acceptance in society,” Hosabale told a press conference on the last day of the RSS’s ‘Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha’ here. Needed.”

Responding to questions on Gandhi’s remarks in Britain, the RSS leader said, “Those who turned India into a prison have no right to comment on democracy in the country.”

He said, “Thousands of people, including me, were put behind bars during the Emergency. They (Congress) have not yet apologized for it. The country will ask them whether they have the moral right to talk about democracy.” ”

He questioned that if there is no democracy in the country then how the elections are being held and how the Parliament is working in the country.

“His party has also won one or two elections,” Hosabale said.

Speaking in the UK recently, Gandhi alleged that the structure of Indian democracy is under ‘brutal assault’? And BJP and RSS have captured almost all the institutions. He has often accused the Sangh of spreading hatred and creating divisions in the society.

The RSS leader said the National Education Policy was formulated during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rule after getting feedback from the grassroots level, including panchayats, “unlike the Congress-led UPA regime when policies were made by the National Advisory Committee”. .

He said, “The people of the country and the world are watching. They all know what the truth is. Maybe they know too.”

Union agrees with Centre’s view on same-sex marriage

Hosabale also said that the RSS agreed with the Centre’s stand on same-sex marriage, adding that marriage can only take place between two people of the opposite sex.

“According to Hindu philosophy, marriage is a ‘samskara’. It is neither a means of engagement nor a contract. Married couples fulfill the ideals of the Grihastha Ashrama. It has been there for millions of years,” he said, “living together Being is a different matter.”

The Center has recently opposed petitions seeking legal recognition of same-sex marriage in the Supreme Court, saying it would completely upset the delicate balance of personal laws and acceptable social values.

In an affidavit before the Supreme Court, the government submitted that despite the decriminalization of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, the petitioners cannot claim the fundamental right of same-sex marriage under the laws of the country.

Hosabale said marriage is a “sacred ritual” between a man and a woman.

He said, “This is because the purpose of marriage is the larger good of society and not physical pleasure.”

On the Sangh’s outreach to Muslims, Hosabale said RSS leaders were meeting Muslim intellectuals and their spiritual leaders only on their invitation.

“The Sangh is not reaching out to them. It is responding to positive steps from their side… There is no problem in meeting and having tea,” he said.

In September last year, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat visited a mosque and a madrassa in Delhi and held discussions with leaders of the All India Muslim Imams Organization (AIIO) – seen as part of the Sangh’s outreach to the minority community Was.