Aryan Khan’s arrest may have sparked divided views but has united the sympathies of all parents – Times of India

It has been more than three weeks since Shah Rukh Khan’s 23-year-old son Aryan Khan was detained for drug possession, and as a result, arrested. A lot has happened on this matter, and there are rounds of more investigations, inquiries, but still, we are not close to the truth yet. Well, he is not only a celebrity with a considerable number of people in jail, but also someone’s child in jail.

With visuals of a calm and serene SRK returning from the trip, reports of Gauri Khan praying religiously, celebratory cheers at home till her son’s back, a part of the arrest has been several parents. One might wonder fathers- what if it was their child who got arrested? How do you cope with something like this conflicting and emotionally reprimanded? In a way, where the shocking arrest of Aryan Khan has left people divided, it has brought together many parents sympathizing with Shah Rukh and Gauri and in these difficult times, it is almost as if 23 Everyone has their own child. This can be one of the worst situations you can imagine your child is in, yet, while Aryan and his family go through the fight in an apparently public light, it almost feels like That it’s falling on your own—the question of where parenting duties are placed.

Why Aryan Khan’s arrest may seem like a personal downfall for many parents

A scandal is a scandal, whether it hits one of the top stars in the industry, or your own family. And when fingers are pointed at a child, any parent probably wonders, ‘Where did they go wrong’?

While we are no closer to the truth, there have been several reports about how the scandal has affected the work of the Khan family, or their always famous father. Some reports suggested that SRK has been ‘abandoned’ as the brand ambassador of the children’s tutoring platform, for fear that people might resonate negatively with him, implying that it is SRK, the father’s fault. Is. In times like these, you can’t help but empathize with Shah Rukh and Gauri, their firstborn being in question. It can also create a fear, as if your own child is in danger.

Protective instincts and parenthood go hand in hand, and when you become a parent, you promise to protect your children in every way possible. And, when one thing goes wrong, it all becomes your fault. You protect and protect them all the time, and as they become adults and make their mark, you lose a grip on your protective instincts. You can do everything possible to give children the best childhood, provide them education, and yet, as you see them become their own person, and do everything by themselves, a simple Thing that goes wrong, and you know flaws come back to you. Even if it’s your child’s fault, it feels like a personal wrongdoing, even worse, when the crime in question is so.

You can’t do anything but worry ruthlessly when your child’s life is in danger. The promise every parent makes to protect their child at all costs can be broken at such times. Over time, you start to look at all the things you’ve done, what could be causing it, and wonder if you’re a good parent. It’s quite possible that Shah Rukh and his wife Gauri, who have spent a long part of their lives in the public eye, may have the same concerns we write about, and are grappling with a lot of parental guilt.

Experts also say that when a child makes a mistake, a lot of the whirlwinds in a parent’s mind stem from psychological conflicts. We can fix everything, climb mountains to get the child everything they want, but with an innate yearning to please them, we also harm them, their mistakes become our mistakes, and Whenever they do wrong, it’s always the parents. First mistake. With a case like Aryan turning into sensational news, thanks to his family name and Bollywood status, many also can’t help but wonder if Aryan’s downfall is more due to his celebrity status. , or just plain vengeance.

While the son of Bollywood’s top ruler Raja spends time in jail, there is also a lot of public sympathy and outrage that we are currently witnessing for the Khan family. From his beautiful, calm appearances in public, to all the stories supporting his groundedness, we can’t help but sympathize with SRK and his family during this difficult time. No matter what the final verdict may be, if any fellow parent wants anything right now, it is to give full love and support to Shah Rukh and not just a public hero.

It’s not just Aryan’s crime but the whole family’s fight

The allegation- true or baseless, could endanger the life of young Khan. 24×7 media coverage, constant camera shuttering around the prison he is lodged in and the family home, the matter will be talked about at length. However, it is not something any family wants to go through- be it a celebrity or otherwise. When you’re grieving, or facing a crisis like this, would anyone really want the public to watch it? Aryan’s hold is also a matter of serious concern in the absence of any solid evidence. The crime in question could haunt the Khan family, grab headlines, and leave a deep blow for Aryan, his siblings, and his parents for months to come. So, while we continue to question whether Aryan Khan is to blame or not, we also have to remember Shah Rukh and Gauri, and the problems they are going through in this fight.
