army: North Command chief inspects operational situation on LAC | India News – Times of India

NEW DELHI: The Army‘s new Northern Command chief Lt-General Upendra Dwivedi has reviewed the operational situation along the frontier with China in eastern Ladakh, including Galwan Valley and Daulat Beg Oldie (DBO), amidst no signs yet of de-escalation in the ongoing 21-month military confrontation in the high-altitude region.
Lt-Gen Dwivedi on Monday visited “ground zero” at forward areas along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) after an operational briefing on the ground situation and military preparedness by Leh-based 14 Corps commander Lt-Gen Anindya SenguptaArmy said.
The visit to the Galwan Valley, which had witnessed deadly clashes between the rival troops in June 2020, was significant because China’s state media had played up a video of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers unfurling the Chinese flag and sending New Year greetings purportedly from the Galwan Valley.
Indian officials, however, had debunked the propaganda video, saying it was not filmed anywhere near the buffer or demilitarized zone in the Galwan Valley. The Army on Monday night released photos of Lt-Gen Dwivedi interacting with soldiers in Galwan, with the Indian and Dogra Regiment flags flying in background.
During his tour of forward areas, Lt-Gen Dwivedi interacted with officers and jawans of the Army and other security forces like the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and the Special Frontier Force (SFF). “He appreciated the professionalism and operational response towards the evolving threat matrix,” an officer said.
China has so far refused to even complete the stalled troop disengagement at Patrolling Point-15 (PP-15) in the Hot Springs-GograKongka La area, let alone discuss the bigger problems at Depsang and Demchok, There was no breakthrough in defusing the confrontation during the marathon 14th round of corps commanderlevel talks between the two countries on January 12, as was reported by TOI.
