Aquarius horoscope May 2022: Education, career, business, love, marriage & children – Times of India

Aquarius horoscope May 2022 for students: Education
On educational fronts, academic obligations will give you a hard time as you will find it difficult to manage your stress and academic responsibilities all at once. You will have to be careful while making certain decisions in terms of the courses you choose.
Career of Aquarius native in May 2022
Your career fronts will face minor difficulties in the first week of the month as Rahu will intervene in the positive effects on your 10th house. You will be able to make things better by the end of the third week as you will implement yourself-made strategies and this will give you better solutions.
Business predictions for Aquarius in May 2022
People having their business in any kind of production or raw material industry will earn very good profit in the first half of the month. In the latter half of the month, they will have to face a minor economic crisis as the payments you were supposed to receive will get delayed. Don’t worry everything will be managed well by your close peers.
Love life in May 2022 for Aquarius
Your love life will certainly improve this month as your partner will pay more heed to your emotional needs and the changes they bring in their personality will appeal to you a lot. You’ll be able to take the right kind of decision new relationship this month.
Marriage – Aquarius horoscope May 2022
Your marriage is all well and settled for your partner but you have been facing minor understanding glitches which you have been avoiding addressing. In the first half of the month, you will be more communicative and you will address the problems you have been facing with your partner. Things on your marital front will settle down well by the end of the month.
Children – Aquarius horoscope May 2022
This month, your children will be able to fulfill the obligations which are expected of them on personal and educational fronts. In the latter half of the month, they will be very busy with their curriculum and other artistic activities. The health of the toddlers will have to be taken care of in the third week of the month.
