Apple in the grip of drought in Himachal: Due to falling grains in June, the concern of gardeners increased due to falling in April, more danger in low altitude areas

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  • Himachal
  • Shimla
  • Drought-like situation in Himachal, apple crop crisis, falling due to drying of moisture, growers worried, apple growers

Shimla2 hours ago

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Cultivation of apple, popularly known as “red gold” in Himachal Pradesh, is under threat. The severe drought has led to apple dropping in areas of 6000 feet or less above sea level. Concerns are mounting as the livelihood of more than 2.5 lakh families in the state depends on apples.Dripping used to take place in June, but this year, apple seeds have started falling in the month of April itself.Due to drought. There are cracks in the ground.

Dropping started in gardens: Bisht

Lokendra Bisht, president of PGA i.e. Progressive Growers Association, told that one of his gardens is at an altitude of 5000 feet. There is a lot of dropping going on. The apple crop has come under stress due to drying up of moisture in the orchard. He said that the apple crop has suffered a lot in areas up to 6000 feet altitude. Due to this, drought has started affecting the higher areas, especially the small plants.

Withered flowers in apple plant in Rawla Kyar of Kotkhai.

Withered flowers in apple plant in Rawla Kyar of Kotkhai.

Apple grains wither even at an altitude of 7000 feet: Aatish

Atish Chauhan, deputy head and gardener of Kotkhai’s Rawla Kyar Panchayat told that his garden is at a height of more than 7000 feet. Yet the moisture has completely dried up. The apple seeds which were planted have started to wither and fall.

Never seen such a severe drought before: Naresh

Naresh, the gardener of Kotkhai, told that due to drought, this time the flowering of apple has not happened. The flowers which were planted have dropped due to drought. He said that the situation is worsening due to drought. Never before have we seen such a severe drought in March and April.

Drought causes drop apples and flowers in Rohru.

Drought causes drop apples and flowers in Rohru.

Rainfall reduced by 96% in 40 days

For the last 40 days, the temperature in the state is running 6 to 11 degree Celsius above normal. This is directly affecting the apple. According to the Meteorological Department, the state receives a normal rainfall of 135.6 mm between March 1 and April 12, but this time only 5.4 mm (96 per cent less) has fallen.

100% less rain in 12 days of April

The state also receives 24.7 mm of normal rainfall from April 1 to 12, but this time not even a drop of water has fallen in most areas. That is, a decrease of 100% is visible. Due to this, severe drought-like situation has started cropping up in front of the gardeners in April itself.

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