Apple doesn’t want you to use iPhones with cracked displays, here’s how it could be stopping you – Times of India

apple iphone The future may come with a system that will notify users about a damaged display using a crack detection resistor. In a patent granted to the Cupertino-based tech giant US Patent and Trademark Office, the company highlights how it wants to offer a mechanism that will solve the problem of unnoticed cracks iPhone Display or restrict people who want to continue using iPhone with broken display.
According to a report from Apple Insider, the patent — titled Electronic device display containing monitoring circuitry using crack detection resistors — wants Apple to add a section called the “bent tail part” to the side of the display. This section will then be used to interface with the handset’s system to inform users about the cracker display.
How can this work?
Apple One wants to have a strain-sensing resistor with a temperature compensating resistor to create “traces of stray metal”. The patent states that the strain measurement can be obtained by subtracting the temperature compensation resistance from the strain sensing resistance. This essentially means that a hot display can be more flexible and therefore more likely to crack than a cold version.
The patent also mentions a crack detection line that is “composed of a loop-shaped signal path with two parallel metal traces that run along the perimeter of the active area of ​​the display. A crack detection circuit to measure resistance changes may use resistance monitoring circuitry. crack detection in one or more sections of the line that indicate cracking in structures elsewhere in the line and in the display.”
In simple words, the device will be able to check the resistance of the crack detection line to find out whether the handset has a crack on the display or not.


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